Help with PowerScript Commands

I am familiar with dos commands but powershell commands are new to me.

I have been tasked with writing a powershell command script that does two things:

  1. Deletes the contents (all subfolders and the contents of the subfolders) under a particular folder
  2. remove a shortcut from the desktop

if that can not be done with simple commands, maybe the steps need to be broken down:

  1. gets a list of subdirectores under a directory
  2. navigates to each of these directories and deltetes the contents
  3. remove the subdirectories
  4. then remove shortcuts from the desktop.

This is almost too easy for Powershell that it is almost not worth it to learn. :wink: But if you like to do it anyway (and I would definitely recommend it) you can find some great starting points in this post: Beginner Sites and Tutorials.
Because it is so straight forward you need in this case the same amount of cmdlets you would need in batch commands - 2.

Remove-Item -Path ‘Path to your directory containing the subfolders to delete with a following “*”’ -Recurse -Force
… and to remove a shortcut from the desktop … take a guess …
Remove-Item -Path ‘complete path to your shortcut file including the extension’

Have fun!