Help with improve fetching from Active Directory

I looking for inspiration och help.
This script fetch user from Active directory.
So far so good,

What I am looking for help with is

  1. value from users.txt is the first value in output.csv
    Example: Maria,SamAccountName, GivenName, SurName, EmailAddress, Department
    and not as it at the moment SamAccountName, GivenName, SurName, EmailAddress, Department

  2. is it possible to build in a check in case user don’t exist it will add some kind a note in tex output.csv instead of jump over that user.

                             $txt_location[2] = 'C:\Script\users.txt'
                             $csv_location[2] = 'C:\Script\output.csv'

Get-Content $txt_location[2] | forEach { Get-ADUser $_ -properties SamAccountName, GivenName, SurName, EmailAddress, Department} | select SamAccountName, GivenName, SurName, EmailAddress, Department | Export-Csv -Path $csv_location[2] -Encoding Default -NoTypeInformation

Inside users.txt contains only SamAccountName (userid)


Yes it is. You can use calculated properties or PSCustomObjects to add output as you wish.

Thank you for the help
I will check them

Thanks again