help understanding this code

I was trying to read this code from this link

in particular this part of the code


    if ($checkBox1.Checked)     {  $listBox1.Items.Add( "Checkbox 1 is checked"  ) }

    if ($checkBox2.Checked)    {  $listBox1.Items.Add( "Checkbox 2 is checked"  ) }

    if ($checkBox3.Checked)    {  $listBox1.Items.Add( "Checkbox 3 is checked"  ) }

    if ( !$checkBox1.Checked -and !$checkBox2.Checked -and !$checkBox3.Checked ) {   $listBox1.Items.Add("No CheckBox selected....")} 

{#Correct the initial state of the form to prevent the .Net maximized form issue
    $form1.WindowState = $InitialFormWindowState

both of these lines below seem to be trying set a variable to items in brakets. What is going on there in a general sense, not specifically about the form.

The code in the brackets are simply an object of type ScriptBlock. In this case, they’re assigning those script block objects to variables, presumably to assign them as event handlers later ($button1.add_Click($handler_button1_Click), etc).

forgive my basic quesitons and lack of genral understanding. When I do

{#Correct the initial state of the form to prevent the .Net maximized form issue

Write-Host $a

I get this output
#Correct the initial state of the form to prevent the .Net maximized form issue

Why is the comment is the code above not part of the variable like my example here?

The comment is part of the script block, though it gets ignored when you actually execute that block.

Are you not seeing the comment as part of the Write-Host output? I do see it, but I’m running the PowerShell v5 production preview, and maybe this is something they fixed along the way.

I get it it. I can be a bit dense sometimes :slight_smile: Thanks!