Help reading results

by Britjamez at 2013-04-11 09:16:02

Looking for some help here … Here’s the code first:

#Set some variables n stuff
add-pssnapin SqlServerCmdletSnapin100
add-pssnapin SqlServerProviderSnapin100
$GLOBAL:machine = $env:COMPUTERNAME.Tolower()
$MachineName = $machine

#Function for SQL Query
function Stats-Query($SQLServer)
invoke-sqlcmd -query "EXEC MYQUERYNAME" -database DATABASENAME -serverinstance $SQLServer

$Results = Stats-Query $MachineName

#Manipulate results
foreach($Result in $Results)
$str = $Result
$str2 = -join (($str.length-1)…0 | Foreach-Object { $str[$] })
$str2 = $rv.Replace($str2,".",1)
$str = -join (($str2.length-1)…0 | Foreach-Object { $str2[$_] })

Write "servers." + $MachineName+ "." + $str + " "+ $Result + " " + $EpochTime)

All works fine, except my output. My column names from the sproc are unknown (always change), and the resultset will only have 1 row.
so 30ish columns and 1 row.

What I eventually want, is to get an output of:

How do I do this?!?

I think it’s my foreach loop that’s wrong! I am stumped!
by DonJ at 2013-04-11 22:39:56
You’re going to have to share a bit more detail - what is in $results? What’s sproc (stored procedure?)?

Can you give a concrete example of what the input might look like, and what the corresponding output should look like?