Hash Table Manipulation

Hi all

Not sure if you can help me please?

I have a hash table in the following format, which is dynamically created:

$standardADParm = @{“city” = $city
“EmployeeID” = $employeeID
“Fax” = $fax
“givenname” = $givenName
“MobilePhone” = $mobilePhone
“OfficePhone” = $officePhone
“PostalCode” = $postalCode
“State” = $state
“StreetAddress” = $streetAddress
“surname” = $surname
“Title” = $title

How to I remove items that are blank as I’m then splatting this into a set-aduser and as you know any blank items will cause an issue. eg how do I check for blank values and then remove the corresponding key?



$city      = 'New York'
$givenName = 'Sam'

$standardADParm = @{
    city          = $city
    EmployeeID    = $employeeID
    Fax           = $fax
    givenname     = $givenName
    MobilePhone   = $mobilePhone
    OfficePhone   = $officePhone
    PostalCode    = $postalCode
    State         = $state
    StreetAddress = $streetAddress
    surname       = $surname
    Title         = $title

$NonBlankKeys = $standardADParm.GetEnumerator().Name | ? { $standardADParm.$_ }

if ($NonBlankKeys) {
    $Prop1 = $NonBlankKeys | select -First 1
    $newADParam = @{ $Prop1 = (Get-Variable $Prop1).Value }
    if ($NonBlankKeys.count -gt 1) {
        1..($NonBlankKeys.count-1) | % {
             $newADParam.Add($NonBlankKeys[$_],(Get-Variable $NonBlankKeys[$_]).Value)

Try this Quick and easy way!

[String[]]$keys = $standardADParm.GetEnumerator().Name

foreach($kee in $keys){
    If ($standardADParm.Item("$kee") -eq ""){$standardADParm.Remove("$kee")}   

nice Awn!

$standardADParm.GetEnumerator().Name | % {
    If (!$standardADParm.Item($_)){ $standardADParm.Remove($_) }   

So Barry, simply use the GetEnumerator method to list the hash table keys, and the Remove method to weed out those with blank values…

Hi guys

Many thanks for your help!

Naw your solution works perfectly many thanks.
