
i am taking this scripting class and i need to pass it by December 22 and every week i have an assignment i try coming up with a solution but i get stuck. can Someone help me out with this power-shell Game. Bellow is the instruction and the power shell Script.

Instruction 1: As currently written, the game only has one custom function, which is responsible for determining if the player’s guesses are correct. However, there are numerous opportunities for further modularizing the script by reorganizing different parts of it into functions. review the code in the main processing section of the script and look for opportunities to enhance its organization with functions.

Instruction 2: The way the power-shell Hangman game is currently written, it is possible for the player to figure out what the game’s secret word is too late in the game for the player to have enough guesses left to finish supplying each of the letters the make up the secret word. Address this situation by giving the player the option of typing in the entire word in place of her last guess. (For Example: when there is only 1 remaining guess left ask the player if they would like to guess the whole word by typing it in.)


Script Name: Hangman.ps1 (The PowerShell Hangman Game)

Version: 2.0

Author: Ken

Date: November 5, 2013

Description: This PowerShell script

give the player the option of typing the entire world in place of her last guess.


Initialization Section

#Define variables used in this script
$playGame = “False” #Controls game play and when to stop game play
$response = “” #Store the player’s input when prompted to play a game
$number = 0 #Stores the game’s randomly generated number
$secretWord = “” #Stores the secret word for the current round of play
$attempts = 0 #Keeps track of the number of valid guesses made
$status = “True” #Controls the current round of play
$guesses = “” #A list of letters by the player during game play
$reply #Stores player letter guesses
$tempstring #Stores a display string with hidden characters that is used
#to represent the secret word during game play
$validReply #Stores the players response when prompted to play a new game
$rejectList = ‘~!@#$%^&-_={}]|:;",.?/<>’ #Sting listing unacceptable input
$GuessesRemaining #Keeps track of the number of guesses the player has left

#Create a Associative array and load it with words
$words = @{}
$words[0] = @(“”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”)
$words[1] = @(“C”, “O”, “M”, “M”, “A”, “N”, “D”, “E”, “R”)
$words[2] = @(“F”, “L”, “A”, “G”)
$words[3] = @(“T”, “O”, “A”, “S”, “T”, “E”, “R”)
$words[4] = @(“M”, “A”, “R”, “K”, “E”, “R”)
$words[5] = @(“P”, “I”, “C”, “T”, “U”, “R”, “E”)
$words[6] = @(“D”, “E”, “S”, “K”)
$words[7] = @(“G”, “L”, “O”, “B”, “E”)
$words[8] = @(“S”, “P”, “E”, “A”, “K”, “E”, “R”)
$words[9] = @(“B”, “A”, “C”, “K”, “Y”, “A”, “R”, “D”)
$words[10] = @(“P”, “E”, “N”, “C”, “I”, “L”)

Functions and Filters Section

#This function determines if the player’s guess is correct or incorrect
function Check-Answer {
param ($reply) #Argument containing the player’s guess

#Access script level variable representing valid users guesses and
#add the current guess to it
$script:guesses = $script:guesses + " " + $reply

#Loop through each letter in the secret word (e.g. each element in the
#array and see if it matches the player’s guess
for ($i = 0; $i -le $secretWord.length - 1; $i++) {
if ($secretWord[$i] -ne $reply) { #The guess does not match
#Place a underscore character into $word[0] in place of the letter
if ($words[0][$i] -eq “”) {$words[0][$i] = “_”}
else { #The guess matches
#Place the letter being guessed into $word[0]
$words[0][$i] = $reply


Main Processing Section

#Prompt the player to guess a number
while ($playGame -ne “True”) {

Clear-Host #Clear the Windows command console screen

#Display the game’s opening screen
Write-Host “nnnn”
write-Host " Welcome to the *********"
Write-Host " * *"
Write-host " PowerShell Hangman Game! O *"
Write-host " | *"
Write-host " | *"
Write-host " / \ *"
Write-host " *"
Write-host " *"
Write-host " *"
Write-host " *******"

#Collect the player’s guess
$response = Read-Host “nnnnnnnn Would you like to play? (Y/N)”

#validate the player’s input
if ($response -eq “Y”){
$playGame = “True”
elseif ($response -eq “N”) {
Write-host " nn Please return and play again soon."
else {
Write-Host “nn Invalid input. Please press Enter try again.”


#Prompt the player to guess a number
while ($status -eq “True”) {

#Reset variables at the beginning of each new round of play
$tempString = “”
$words[0] = @(“”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”)
$attempts = 0
$guesses = “”
$reply = “”

#Generate a random number between 1 - 10
$number = Get-Random -minimum 1 -maximum 11

$secretWord = $words[$number] #Populate an array with the letters that
#make up the game’s secret word using the
#random number to specify the array index

#Create a loop to collect and analyze player input
while ($reply -eq “”) {

Clear-Host #Clear the Windows command console screen

$reply = Read-Host "<code>n</code>n Enter a guess"  #Collect the player answer

if ($reply -eq "") {  #If an empty string was submitted, repeat the 
  continue            #loop

#It is time to validate player input

if ($reply.Length -gt 1) {  #Limit input to one character at a time

  Clear-Host  #Clear the Windows command console screen
  Write-Host "<code>n</code>n Error: You may enter only one letter at a time."
  Read-Host "<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n`n Press Enter to continue."
  $reply = ""  #Clear out the player's input
  continue  #Repeat the loop


if (1234567890 -match $reply) { #Numeric input is not allowed

  Clear-Host  #Clear the Windows command console screen
  Write-Host "<code>n</code>n Error: Numeric guesses are not allowed."
  Read-Host "<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n`n Press Enter to continue."
  $reply = ""  #Clear out the player's input
  continue  #Repeat the loop


if ($rejectList -match $reply) {

  Clear-Host  #Clear the Windows command console screen
  Write-Host "<code>n</code>n Error: Special character are not permitted."
  Read-Host "<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n`n Press Enter to continue."
  $reply = ""  #Clear out the player's input
  continue  #Repeat the loop


Clear-Host  #Clear the Windows command console screen

$attempts++  #Only increment for good guesses

#Now that player input have been validated, call on the Check-Answer
#function to process the input
Check-Answer $reply

$tempString = ""  #Clear out this variable used to display the 
                  #current state of the word being guessed

#Loop through $words[0] and create a temporary display string that
#show the state of the word being guesses
for ($i = 0; $i -le $words[0].length - 1; $i++) {
  $tempString = $tempString + " " + $words[0][$i]

#Display the current state of the secret word passed on the input
#collected from the player
Write-Host "<code>n</code>n Results:`n"
Write-Host " ------------------------------------------`n"
Write-Host " $tempString`n"
Write-Host " ------------------------------------------<code>n</code>n"
Write-Host " Letters that have been guessed: $guesses`n"

#Calculate the number of guesses that the player ahs left
$GuessesRemaining = (12 - $attempts)

#Display the number of guesses remaining in the current round of play
Write-Host " Number of guesses remaining: $GuessesRemaining"

#Pause the game to allow the player to review the game's status
Read-Host "<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n`n Press Enter to continue"

#The secret word has been guesses if there are no more underscore 
#characters left
if ($tempString -notmatch "_") {

  Write-Host "<code>n Game over. You have guessed the secret word&amp;quot;</code>
             "in $attempts guesses.<code>n</code>n"
  write-Host " The secret word was $secretWord <code>n</code>n"
  write-Host "<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n" `
  Read-Host  #Pause game play
  $reply = "Done"  #Signal the end of the current round of play
  continue  #Repeat the loop


#The player is only allow 12 guesses after which the game ends
if ($attempts -eq 12) {

  Write-Host "<code>n Game over. You have exceeded the maximum allowed&amp;quot;</code>
             "number of guesses.<code>n</code>n"
  write-Host " The secret word was $secretWord <code>n</code>n"
  write-Host " The best you could do was $tempString<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n" `
  Read-Host  #Pause the game
  $reply = "Done"  #signal the end of the current round of play
  continue  #Repeat the loop


$reply = ""  #Clear out the player's input


$response = “” #Reset value to allow the loop to continue iterating

#It is time to prompt the player to play another round
$validReply = “False” #Set variable to ready its use in the while loop

#Loop until valid input it received
while ($validReply -ne “True”) {

Clear-Host  #Clear the Windows command console screen

#Prompt the player to play a new game
$response = Read-Host "<code>n</code>n Play again? (Y/N)"

#Validate the player's input  #Keep playing
if ($response -eq "Y"){

  $validReply = "True" 
  $status = "True"    

elseif ($response -eq "N") {  #Time to quit

  Clear-Host  #Clear the Windows command console screen
  Write-host " <code>n</code>n Please return and play again soon."
  Read-Host  #Pause game play
  $validReply = "True"
  $status = "False" 

else {  #Invalid input received

  Clear-Host  #Clear the Windows command console screen
  Write-Host "<code>n</code>n Invalid input. Please press Enter to try again."
  #$validReply = "False"
  Read-Host  #Pause game play




It would be one thing if you had done most of the work yourself, and were asking for help with some small detail that’s tripping you up. Posting the entire assignment and asking someone else to do it for you, though, is pretty low.

i am working on it i just would like others opinion that is all.