Group membership query by group name

I’m trying to expand on some things I learned in this post and apply it to a group membership query

What I eventually want is an output that looks something like this





Or even

Groups Users

Group1 Collection of users
Group2 Collection of users

So far I have written this:

$groups = Get-AdGroup -filter {name -like "SP*"} -SearchBase $ou | select name

Foreach ($group in $Groups) {

 $props =  [ordered]@{
             'Group' = $($
             'Users' = Get-ADGroupmember -Identity $($ -Recursive | select -ExpandProperty SamAccountName

New-Object -Type PSObject -prop $props


$props | -ft auto 

Which gives me an output like
Group Users

Group1 {User1, User2, User3, User4…}
Longgroupname… {User1, User2, User3, User4…}

However I don’t know how to expand it so it shows the full name of the group or all the items in users. I’ve played around with wrap, autosize, setting the $formatenumerationlimit to -1, which expanded some of the users but still not all of them.

The way your’e doing it, it can’t. When PowerShell needs to display a collection of items in a single property, it uses the {} syntax you’re seeing. That’s entire by design. If you want something else - what, a comma-separated list? - you have to do that yourself.

'Users' = (Get-ADGroupmember -Identity $($ -Recursive | 
select -ExpandProperty SamAccountName) -join ","

Or instead of , perhaps use `n if you want carriage returns.

For example. This makes the collection of discrete values into one giant string, with names separated by commas.

A LOT of people run into this. The ultimate problem is that you’re using a flat data display - a table, which is not unlike a CSV - to display hierarchical data. Just wasn’t designed for it. PowerShell isn’t really about visualizing data - it’s more about working with data that is structured in the form of objects. So if you’re trying to do something weird for a display, you’re on your own to code it.

Well it’s good to know a lot of people run into this, I was beginning to think I am crazy :wink:

I think I am going to stick to what I learned in the other thread you helped me in. I am not much of a coder, I’m a sys admin who gets stuck into getting this kind of stuff because I’m the only one in my group who is comfortable in powershell. I’ve been trying to be nice and give people stuff formatted nicely. However if this is a limitation, they can deal with it :slight_smile:

This is a question similar to one recently posted that I responded to.
See this thread…

Show User and AD group membership

… to determine if you can leverage what I posted to get you to where you need to go.