I am working on configuring a JWT (JSON Web Token) for connection to Box. I am hoping to make it so others can use this when I am done.
I got these packages from Nuget for the encoder:
I know I can download the Nuget cli tool with this command:
choco install nuget.commandline /y /f
I used Visual Studio to make these packages available, and then pulled them into PowerShell like this:
#MS Owin for base64url encoding
$Owin = 'C:\folder\tf\DevOps\Box\BoxConnect\packages\Owin.1.0\lib\net40\Owin.dll'
$msOwin = 'C:\folder\tf\DevOps\Box\BoxConnect\packages\Microsoft.Owin.3.0.1\lib\net45\Microsoft.Owin.dll'
$msOwinSec = 'C:\folder\tf\DevOps\Box\BoxConnect\packages\Microsoft.Owin.Security.3.0.1\lib\net45\Microsoft.Owin.Security.dll'
Add-Type -Path $Owin
Add-Type -Path $msOwin
Add-Type -Path $msOwinSec
# get a base64url encoder object
$encoder = New-Object Microsoft.Owin.Security.DataHandler.Encoder.Base64UrlTextEncoder
What I want to know, is could I have made those packages available using PowerShell or the Nuget CLI through PowerShell?
you dont need external classes to work with uri’s
Uri Class
Convert.ToBase64String Method (Byte)
you only need to know the encoding rules
I don’t know how to make that usable in PowerShell.
Here is an example of what I am trying to do:
#MS Owin for base64url encoding
$Owin = 'C:\EEDevOps\TeamFoundation\DevOps\Box\BoxConnect\packages\Owin.1.0\lib\net40\Owin.dll'
$msOwin = 'C:\EEDevOps\TeamFoundation\DevOps\Box\BoxConnect\packages\Microsoft.Owin.3.0.1\lib\net45\Microsoft.Owin.dll'
$msOwinSec = 'C:\EEDevOps\TeamFoundation\DevOps\Box\BoxConnect\packages\Microsoft.Owin.Security.3.0.1\lib\net45\Microsoft.Owin.Security.dll'
Add-Type -Path $Owin
Add-Type -Path $msOwin
Add-Type -Path $msOwinSec
# get a base64url encoder object
$encoder = New-Object Microsoft.Owin.Security.DataHandler.Encoder.Base64UrlTextEncoder
# we then serialize to UTF-8 bytes, then base64url encode the claims
$header = $encoder.Encode([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($rawheader))
$claims = $encoder.Encode([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($rawclaims))
Can you walk me through how I can use what you are explaining?
I see your example in other topic, the blog post from which you get it and I still believe you don’t need owin
# instead of
# [...]
$encoder = New-Object Microsoft.Owin.Security.DataHandler.Encoder.Base64UrlTextEncoder
$header = $encoder.Encode([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($rawheader))
# you can use
$header = [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($rawheader)) -replace '='
and get the same result