Get The Value of Text Box

I Build a Gui Script USing ISE
But i am trying to assign the user input in text box to a variable but it doesn’t work

This is Part of my Code


#Creat main Form 
$Main_Form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form 
$Main_Form.width = 500
$Main_Form.Height = 500

$Main_Form.text = " USB Delegator " 

$ICON = New-Object System.Drawing.Icon ("C:\Users\Karem\Desktop\BAD\Kariem.ico")
$Main_Form.icon = $ICON


#Creat Uer Name Text Box 
$User_Box = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
$User_Box.width = 350 
$User_Box.Height = 75
$ = 200
$User_Box.left = 100

#Creat Login Button 
$Login = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button 
$Login.text = "Login"
$Login.Autosize = $true
$ = 300
$Login.left = 200
$font_login = New-Object System.Drawing.Font ( "Sans Serif " , 9 , [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Bold )
$Login.font = $font_login

$submit = {
$x = $User_Box.text
$Main_Form.Text = $x
$x | out-file c:\x.txt

and nothing works in submit
The submit is fine but $x is not working
itried to change the code alot but no benefit

so what should i do to assign the input to a var so i can manipulate it

Thanks in Advance ,

You’re adding a bunch of null objects to your form and you’re adding the variables before you create them. I cleaned it up a little and it’s working for me.


#Creat main Form 
$Main_Form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form 
$Main_Form.width = 500
$Main_Form.Height = 500

$Main_Form.text = " USB Delegator " 

#$ICON = New-Object System.Drawing.Icon ("C:\Users\Karem\Desktop\BAD\Kariem.ico")
#$Main_Form.icon = $ICON


#Creat Uer Name Text Box 
$User_Box = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
$User_Box.width = 350 
$User_Box.Height = 75
$ = 200
$User_Box.left = 100

#Creat Login Button 
$Login = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button 
$Login.text = "Login"
$Login.Autosize = $true
$ = 300
$Login.left = 200
$font_login = New-Object System.Drawing.Font ( "Sans Serif " , 9 , [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Bold )
$Login.font = $font_login


$submit = {
    $x = $User_Box.Text
    $Main_Form.Text = $x


Thank you so much Rob Simmers

But i have a quetsion why you removed The Icon

please tell me what do tou mean by null objects , i know i bother you with this questions

but i need to know why

Thanks again