Get Software and name Desktop

Hello I would like to know how to have two columns software installed and name of the pc thank you very much for the time you gave me

$Path = “C:\Gabriel”
$LogPath = “C:\Gabriel”
Select Name,Directory,@{Name=“Outlook”;Expression={(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | where vendor -eq Outlook)}},
@{Name=‘Desktop’;Expression={(Get-wmiobject win32_computersystem)}} | Export-Csv C:\Gabriel\Outlook.csv -NoTypeInformation

Win32_Product is a bad idea. Google it.

I think most folks query the registry for the info, at least that is what I do.

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Welcome to the forum. :wave:t4:

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Thanks in advance

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Outlook may be installed as part of office so isn’t directly listed as an installed application,

here is a snippet from one of my scripts:-

        Get-ChildItem HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall|Get-ItemProperty
        Get-ChildItem HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall|Get-ItemProperty

    $Applications=@(Foreach($app in $apps){
            'DisplayName'                                          =     [String]$app.DisplayName
            'DisplayVersion'                                       =     [string]$app.DisplayVersion
            'InstallLocation'                                      =     [string]$app.InstallLocation
            'Publisher'                                            =     [string]$app.Publisher
            'EstimatedSize'                                        =     [string]$app.EstimatedSize
            'UninstallString'                                      =     [string]$app.UninstallString
            'RegistryKey'                                          =     [string]$app.PSPath

at the end $Applications will have a list of installed applications (as stored in add/remove programs)

My full script does a whole lot more

This won’t show everything that add/remove programs does, but it does usually show the majority

Would you mind elaborating please, what isn’t listed here? appx & appv I know about, is there more?

Along those lines Krazy Doug, how would you suggest getting the same list as Add/Remove without using Win32_Product?

I use basically the same approach listed here … then filter on unique values.

Thanks Krazy Doug :slight_smile:

This only looks for machine wide installs not per user (you know those annoying ones that go in %appdata% that most admin hate)

ok updated it to include current user

        Get-ChildItem HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall|Get-ItemProperty
        Get-ChildItem HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall|Get-ItemProperty
        Get-ChildItem HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall|Get-ItemProperty

    $Applications=@(Foreach($app in $apps){
            'DisplayName'                                          =     [String]$app.DisplayName
            'DisplayVersion'                                       =     [string]$app.DisplayVersion
            'InstallLocation'                                      =     [string]$app.InstallLocation
            'Publisher'                                            =     [string]$app.Publisher
            'EstimatedSize'                                        =     [string]$app.EstimatedSize
            'UninstallString'                                      =     [string]$app.UninstallString
            'RegistryKey'                                          =     [string]$app.PSPath