by sh1997 at 2013-02-19 14:12:21
Below is the script I use to get scheduled tasks running on remote servers:by ArtB0514 at 2013-02-20 08:29:32
(get-content servers.txt) | foreach-object {Schtasks.exe /Query /s $_ /V /FO CSV} | ConvertFrom-CSV |Where { $.
TaskName -ne "TaskName"} | Export-CSV c:\test.csv
the problem is that I received "A network path is not found" for servers that are not available on the network and "Access is denied" for the servers that the script cannot authentiate. I would like to see how the above script with the try…catch statement to capture these errors with the server name. Can someone help?
Not tested, but I’d start with something like this:$TaskData = @()
foreach ($Server in (get-content servers.txt)) {
Try {
Test-Connection $Server -Count 1 -Quiet -ErrorAction Stop
$TaskData += {Schtasks.exe /Query /s $Server /V /FO CSV} | ConvertFrom-CSV |Where { $.TaskName -ne "TaskName"}
Catch {
"An error occurred connecting to $Server."
$TaskData | Export-CSV c]