I have a script called x.ps1 which contains a function called Parent. This function calls another function called Child (which is located in a separate module).
In the Child function I want to retrieve the name of the script and the name of the parent function.
I can get the script name (Get-ChildItem $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath | Select -Expand Name).
I cannot find out how to get the name of the parent function from within the child function.
I think you are going to have to pass it in as a parameter
Here’s an example:
function parent {
child $MyInvocation.MyCommand, "SomeOtherStuff"
function child {
Param (
$a = parent
You can use Get-PSCallStack since PowerShell v3 to access information about the parent function.
function parent {
function child {
$callStack = Get-PSCallStack
if ($callStack.Count -gt 1) {
'Parent function: {0}' -f $callStack[1].FunctionName
Ooo, nice tip Daniel. That’s good stuff right there.
Thanks Daniel - exactly what I needed
This can also be done using the $MyInvocation variable by specifying the scope:
function child
"Parent Function Name: $((Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value.MyCommand.Name)"
function parent
Scope 0 = Current Scope
Scope 1 = Parent Scope