Get Multiple Files Using Posh-SSH SFTP

I have a scheduled task running that gets posh and attempts to start a session and get files from an sftp server. The filenames can be random and there are usually more than one at a time. If this were command I would be attempting something like mget or get-childitem. Posh has a get-sftpchilditem but I’m not sure if it’s applicable. Any guideance would be appreciated. In case I’m ranting a bit here’s my question:

Can i use the following code to get multiple files using posh sftp?

wget | iex
# Set various variables
$sftphost = ""
# Yes I know passwords as plain text is yucky...
$PWord = ConvertTo-SecureString –AsPlainText 'Password' -Force
$Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ('user', $PWord)
$Session = New-SFTPSession -ComputerName $sftphost -Credential $Credential 

# End any sessions that are currently running
Get-SFTPSession | Remove-SFTPSession

#Download Files
Get-SFTPFile -SFTPSession $Session -RemoteFile "/response/*" -LocalPath "C:\temp\SFTPImport\"

It depends if the parameter in Get-SFTPFile -remotefile supports wildcards.

It might just be looking for a file called “*”

I downloaded the module and checked its help file and its lacking.

If there is a cmdlet in that module to show all files in the directory you could do a foreach loop on them.

I don’t have a SFTP setup so I can’t even test this.

I believe I’m getting closer with the line Get-SFTPChildItem -SessionId 0 -Recursive | %{ “{1,-10}{1,-10}{2,-60}” -f $.Filename,$.Name,$_.Definition } -Outvariable responsefiles

but I’m having trouble setting it up in a for each statement. Here’s what I’ve got:

 New-SFTPSession -ComputerName $sftphost -Credential $Credential
Set-SFTPLocation "/response/" -sessionID 0
Get-SFTPChildItem -SessionId 0 -Recursive | %{ "{1,-10}{1,-10}{2,-60}" -f $_.Filename,$_.Name,$_.Definition } -Outvariable responsefiles
Get-SFTPFile -SFTPSession $Session -RemoteFile $responsefiles -LocalPath "c:\temp\SFTPImport\"

did you find a solution to this?

We’ll for the posting of the files I was able to setup something. The following script will allow you to post files from the $exportfolder paths you define in the $folders array. I have it set to look for any *.XML files but you can easily change the extension or create a variable that identifies the files in particular you’re looking for.


#to get the PoshSFTP package uncomment or remove the hashtag on the next line
#wget | iex

# Set various variables
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$sftphost = ""
$PWord = ConvertTo-SecureString –AsPlainText 'P@$$w0rd' -Force
$Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ('username', $PWord)
$Session = New-SFTPSession -ComputerName $sftphost -Credential $Credential
$exportfolder = "C:\Export"
$archive = "C:\Export\Archive"
$processed = "C:\Temp\ExportSFTP\processed"
$folders = @(
Join-Path $exportfolder "\Folder1\*"
Join-Path $exportfolder "\Folder2\*"
Join-Path $exportfolder "\Folder3\*"

#move files from the export folders and wait for it to complete
Get-ChildItem -path $folders -Filter *.XML -Recurse | ForEach-Object { Move-Item $_.FullName -Destination $processed}
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3

#Set variable for temporary files
$LocalFiles = Get-ChildItem -path $processed -Filter *.XML -Recurse

#End any sessions that are currently running and start a new one
Get-SFTPSession | Remove-SFTPSession
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
New-SFTPSession -ComputerName $sftphost -Credential $Credential

#Set your working directory
Set-Location $processed

#Now copy the files up
ForEach ($LocalFile in $LocalFiles)
Set-SFTPFile -SessionId 0 -LocalFile "$LocalFile" -RemotePath "/request"

#Rename and archive the local files
Get-ChildItem -path $processed -Filter *.XML -Recurse | foreach-object {
rename-item $_ -newname ($_.Fullname -replace '\.xml','.bak') -force 
Get-ChildItem -path $processed -Filter *.bak -Recurse | foreach-object {
Move-Item $_.FullName -Destination $Archive} 

Some of this may be superfluous and it was a little trial and error to get it to work (like the set-location piece I played with a hard coded path). I’m still looking into pulling the files though.

Also I should note that I had a #requires piece for the posh-ssh package but removed it as it needs a little more work to function properly. I set this up as a scheduled job and input my applicable values and haven’t had any issues with it.