Formatting output from Select-String -Context

Hi Guys,

I have a text file that looks like so:




I tried

Select-String -Path file.txt -Pattern "Host=" -Context 1,1

which gives me the desired output but a side effect of Select-String is the filename and line number is included in the output. How can I make my output appear the same as above using the -Context parameter? Stated differently, how can I make the output look exactly like the Select-String “Line” method?


is this what you are looking for?

Get-Content -Path file.txt | Select-String -Pattern "Host=" -Context 1,1

> Host=Server01
> Host=Server02
> Host=Server03

I’m not completely sure if I got what exactly you want to get. If you’re not sure what property of the result you want you can simply output all properties like this:

Select-String -Path file.txt -Pattern “Host=” -Context 1,1 | Select-Object *
If you then identified the propery you nee you can select only this like this:
Select-String -Path file.txt -Pattern “Host=” -Context 1,1 | Select-Object -Property Line
If you like to eliminate even the header you can do this:
Select-String -Path file.txt -Pattern “Host=” -Context 1,1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Line

That works!

Get-Content -Path file.txt | Select-String -Pattern “Host=” -Context 1,1 | Out-File tempHost.txt
(Get-Content tempHost.txt).TrimStart(“>”)

Anybody know a cleaner way to do that?

Thanks for the solution Naw Awn.

The way I’m reading it, it sound like you’re looking for something more like this.

Select-String -Path "D:\New Text Document.txt" -Pattern "Host=" -Context 1,1 |
ForEach-Object {

Yeah this works too. Thanks!