Foreach result wount save in variable?


You aren’t outputting anything. Usually an object array is made like this. Use the PRE button for code.

$list = 1,2,3
$result = foreach ($i in $list) { 
  [pscustomobject]@{num = $i
                   nextnum = $i + 1

num nextnum
--- -------
  1       2
  2       3
  3       4

Don’t see why?

My output shall be from the import and when I am doing foreach I want to save the result in a variable as I am trying.

Please use PRE tags to format code. Here are two options that you can use, both are stored in the $results variable:

#Emulate a CSV import
$users = @()
$users += [pscustomobject]@{FirstName = 'Jim';LastName = 'Johnson'}
$users += [pscustomobject]@{FirstName = 'Sally';LastName = 'Smith'}
$users += [pscustomobject]@{FirstName = 'Tommy';LastName = 'Sampson'}

#Method 1 - Appending to the current object
#Use calculated expressions to get all of the current properties of the user
#with a Select and then add properties with the calculated expression

$results = foreach ( $user in $users ) {
    $login = '{0}{1}' -f $user.FirstName.SubString(0,1), $user.LastName

    $user | Select *,

#Method 2 - Generate a new object
#Build a new PSObject from scratch using the [pscustomobject] accelerator
$results = foreach ( $user in $users ) {
    $login = '{0}{1}' -f $user.FirstName.SubString(0,1), $user.LastName

        FirstName = $user.FirstName
        LastName  = $user.LastName
        Login     = $login
        Date      = Get-Date


PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> $results

FirstName LastName Login    Date                
--------- -------- -----    ----                
Jim       Johnson  JJohnson 12/4/2019 9:36:29 AM
Sally     Smith    SSmith   12/4/2019 9:36:29 AM
Tommy     Sampson  TSampson 12/4/2019 9:36:29 AM

Assignment statements don’t output anything.

foreach ($i in 1) {
  $a = 'hi'
  $b = 'there'
  $c = 'how are you?'

# no output

Thanks :slight_smile: I have test method 2 and it works like a charm :slight_smile:

AS for the final script :slight_smile:


cd E:\automation\kuafUsers

Remove-Item .\final.csv -Force

#Start to calculate the day of month
$Year = (get-date).Year
$Month = (get-date).Month -1
$StartOfMonth = Get-Date -Year $Year -Month $Month -Day 1

#Importing and cleaning character content in rows depending on selection
$users = Import-Csv '.\KUAF Users dates (w defgroup).csv' -Delimiter ";" -Encoding UTF8 | Where {$_.Deleted -ge ($StartOfMonth).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd') -or $_.Deleted -eq "?"}

$results = foreach ( $user in $users ) {
$login = '{0}{1}' -f $user.FirstName.SubString(0,1), $user.LastName
ID = $user.ID
NAME = $user.NAME -replace 'corp\\','' -replace 'dfns\\','' -replace '\(Delete\).*',''
LASTNAME = $user.LASTNAME -replace '\(AU\).*',''

$results | Export-Csv .\final.csv -Delimiter ";" -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation


#Deleting selected rows depending on selection
$csv = import-csv ".\final.csv" -Delimiter ";" -Encoding UTF8

$nodelete = foreach($line in $csv){
if(-not($line.GROUPNAME -like '*XAD-CFIS*') -and `
(-not($line.GROUPNAME -like '*ORG-CFI*') -and `
(-not($line.GROUPNAME -like '*XAD-P*') -and `
(-not($line.NAME -like '*adm*') -and `
(-not($line.NAME -like '*admin*') -and `
(-not($line.NAME -like '*op5*'))))))){

#Creating final Excel file
$nodelete | select NAME, LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME `
| sort NAME `
| Export-Excel "E:\automation\kuafExcel\Debitering $((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM')).xlsx"
#Remove-Item ".\final.csv" -Force

#Now it's time to send the result to right instance.
Send-MailMessage -From '' `
-To '' `
-Subject 'Hej, Vänligen bekräfta när ni läst in data. Stort tack för hjälpen!' -Encoding "UTF8" `
-Attachments "E:\automation\kuafExcel\Debitering $((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM')).xlsx" `
-SmtpServer ''