ForEach Creating Objects and Appending to ObjArray

I’m sure I’m just having a brain fart or something, but I can’t for the life of me get this simple script to work:

$StoreLocation = 'OU=bla,OU=bla,OU=bla,DC=bla,DC=bla,DC=Com'

Write-Verbose -Message ":::::::::::::: Starting Script  ::::::::::::::"

    $objrow = New-Object PSObject
    $objrow | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name "MemberName" -value " "
    $objrow | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name "MemberEmail" -value " "
    $objrow | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name "MemberGUID" -value " "
    $objrow | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name "GroupName" -value " "
    $objrow | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name "GroupEmail" -value " "
   $AllMembers = @()
    $Groups = Get-ADGroup -Properties Mail -Filter * -SearchBase $StoreLocation

    ForEach ($Group in $Groups) {
        $Members = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group
        ForEach ($Member In $Members) {
            $User = Get-ADUser -Identity $Member
            $UserName = $Member.SamAccountName
            $objrow.MemberName = $Member.SamAccountName
            $objrow.MemberEmail = $User.UserPrincipalName
            $objrow.MemberGUID = $Member.objectGUID
            $objrow.GroupName = $Group.SamAccountName
            $objrow.GroupEmail = $Group.Mail
            Write-Verbose -Message "Adding member $UserName to objarray..."
            $objrow += $AllMembers

What I end up with is a 1000 objects with all the same info. Last I checked… I should be appending a new object to an array of objects … so why would it overwrite all the objects currently in the array ?

Thanks for any help.

Hi Graham,
Replacing PScustomObject with a Hashtable here will make your script Little more stable.

And Some more,

        # A Group Object Contains lot of Vlaues, Here You need 'Name'
        $Members = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $
        # And a Group may contain another group as Members,If you are looking for
        # Only User, Use a where-object to Filter by 'objectclass -eq "User"'
        $Members = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $ |Where-Object       
        {$_.objectclass -eq "User"}
        # Here We don't need a PSObject,We Can Directly Put it intio an Array From 
        # Hashtable, 
        #$objrow += $AllMembers 
        # And Make sure Your SearchBase Value is a Distinguished Name 

Write-Verbose -Message ":::::::::::::: Starting Script  ::::::::::::::"

   $AllMembers = @()
    $Groups = Get-ADGroup -Properties Mail -Filter * -SearchBase $StoreLocation

    ForEach ($Group in $Groups) { 
        $Members = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $ |?{$_.objectclass -eq "User"}
        ForEach ($Member In $Members) {
            $User = Get-ADUser -Identity $Member
            $UserName = $Member.SamAccountName
            $allmembers+=new-object psobject -Property @{
            MemberName = $Member.SamAccountName;
            MemberEmail = $User.UserPrincipalName;
            MemberGUID = $Member.objectGUID;
            GroupName = $Group.SamAccountName;
            GroupEmail = $Group.Mail;
            Write-Verbose -Message "Adding member $UserName to objarray..."

Hope This Helps You.

Hi Graham, brain farts are the norm :slight_smile:

You’re adding a an array to a object. You need to add the object to an array.

This line

$objrow += $AllMembers

Should be

$AllMembers += $objrow

+= means

$AllMembers = $AllMembers + $objrow

oh snap… my code is correct with `$AllMembers += $objrow’
I must have copied and pasted that wrong somehow.

My issue is I end up with all the objects containing the same information. The loop is overwriting all objects in the array … but I don’t see why.

kvprasoon… I thank you for trying to help, but I don’t think you see what I’m trying to do here.

The goal is get a list of groups based on a seachbase (which I have).
Get the members from that group (all members, not just users)
Add the info I need to an object (Member Name, Member Email, Member GUID, Group Name, and Group Email).
My script currently appends this info to a CSV file. I have other functions to preform so it seems a waste to import this CSV file back in… so I would like to have an array of objects to work with.

Anyway, thank you and I’m still working on it. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Hi Graham,
Get-Aduser will accept Userobjects as -identity,For Group We Should use Get-AdGroup
And I couldn’t find a way to append multiple values to psobject,So better use an array

Write-Verbose -Message ":::::::::::::: Starting Script  ::::::::::::::"

   $AllMembers = @()
    $Groups = Get-ADGroup -Properties Mail -Filter * -SearchBase $StoreLocation
    ForEach ($Group in $Groups) { 
        $Members = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group 
        ForEach ($Member In $Members) {
# Using Get-ADuser for GroupObjects
        if($member.objectClass -ieq "User"){
            $User = Get-ADUser -Identity $Member}
            elseif($member.objectClass -ieq "Group"){
# using Get-ADGroup for Group Objects
            $Grp = Get-ADgroup -Identity $Member}
            $UserName = $Member.SamAccountName
            $allmembers+=new-object psobject -Property @{
            MemberName = $Member.SamAccountName;
            MemberEmail = $User.UserPrincipalName;
            MemberGUID = $Member.objectGUID;
            GroupName = $Grp.SamAccountName;
            GroupEmail = $Grp.Mail;
            Write-Verbose -Message "Adding member $UserName to objarray..."