How kan I find a certificate in server with Powershell script?
I use this. Incorporated it into a lot of my scripts:
Certificates can be found in the cert drive.
Get-ChildItem Cert:\ -Recurse
I want the command to return a certificate name. (Issued to)
You can only get back what is available.
if you take a look at the all the available properties, a property name titled ‘IssueTo’ is not an option.
The UI in Windows Sever is using another method to display that portion.
(gci Cert:\LocalMachine\My | Select -Property *) | Get-Member | Select Name
Even getting at the hidden properties, does not show an IssuedTo property
(gci Cert:\LocalMachine\My | Select -Property *) | Get-Member -Force | Select Name
Yet, as a point of note: by default, the string shown in the ‘Issued To’ message in the ADCS cert UI is the ‘Subject’ name of the cert
However, I also want to point out, if you really need this or just want to do this you need to go about it another way. Meaning calculate it yourself.
For example:
The below is using a call to the X509 methods directly. See the details here:
Get-ChildItem cert:\LocalMachine\My |
Format-Table Subject, @{ Label = ‘IssuedTo’; Expression = { $.GetNameInfo( ‘SimpleName’, $false ) } },
@{ Label = ‘IssuedBy’ ;Expression = { $.GetNameInfo( ‘SimpleName’, $true ) } }
There is a certificate called Novaboard! How can I look for this certificate on a server?
Try this:
get-childitem cert: -recurse | ? {$_.FriendlyName -match "Novaboard"} | fl *
If PowerShell Remoteing (WSMan and or DCOM)…
… you can just use the Invoke-Command cmdlet to point to that computer and run whatever code you wish…
Invoke-Command -ComputerName ‘put you computer name here’ -ScriptBlock { (Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine -Recurse) -match ‘your certificate name / subject’}
… well as long as you have admin rights on the server and you need admin rights for PowerShell Remoteing to function.
i try to get expired cert, but i get different result and its not what i need
Invoke-Command -ComputerName Comp123 -ScriptBlock { Get-ChildItem Cert:\ -Recurse | Format-Table Subject, @{ Label = 'IssuedTo'; Expression = { $_.GetNameInfo( 'SimpleName', $false ) } }, @{ Label = 'IssuedBy' ;Expression = { $_.GetNameInfo( 'SimpleName', $true ) } }}
$comp = Get-ChildItem cert:\LocalMachine\My | Format-Table Subject, @{ Label = 'IssuedTo'; Expression = { $_.GetNameInfo( 'SimpleName', $false ) } }, @{ Label = 'IssuedBy' ;Expression = { $_.GetNameInfo( 'SimpleName', $true )}} $comp
Please, help