Extracting Data from a .txt File


I’m fairly new to Powershell. What I have is a text file that lists users, locations, and what they have access to at that location. Here is an example of I’m working with:


Each number (or period) represents an access right to a part of the program. What I need is to separate each access into an object and remove the columns that I do not need (Lets say that all I need is the 1st, 5th, and 12th.

Here is what I have so far. Not much, but it strips away all the extra stuff in the report and leaves just the data.

$raw = Get-Content C:\file.txt | Where-Object {$_ -like ’ I*'} | ForEach-Object {$_.trim()}
$raw -replace “\s+”,“,”


i think this is good starting point to work with objects

PS C:\Users\alex\Desktop> $txt = Import-Csv .\test.txt -Delimiter "," -Header User,Location,Access
PS C:\Users\alex\Desktop> $txt

User  Location Access
----  -------- ------
IEA0A AA       .21131711.......115111917.
IEH6F AC10     ....1..1.........1..1..1..

PS C:\Users\alex\Desktop> $txt[0]

User  Location Access
----  -------- ------
IEA0A AA       .21131711.......115111917.

So, how would I go about getting the following result?

User Location Access1 Access2 Access3

IEA0A AA . 2 1 <–and so on

by the way , each line is an array of properties for the csv object , and each property is an array of characters
that means you can access each line’s “User” with it’s key , indexed by zero and/or each access character indexed by zero , like so

$txt.User[0] or $txt.access[0][0] , which means you can loop through each line/access string

You could do something like this:

$data = Import-CSV C:\Users\Rob\Desktop\Archive\test.csv -Header User,Location,AccessFull

$data | 
Select User,

This is exactly what I needed. Thank you Rob.