Export Users Group Memberships to CSV

I’m looking to create a script to solve an audit need where i can export all the users in a particular OU and the Groups they are a member of. I want to export this to a CSV file and have each group for the particular user display on a separate line like below. I have figured out how to do this and put all the group in one cell coma delimited but for audit reasons would need each group on a separate line. I’m stuck at this point. Sample script that i have so far below. Thanks

ExcelColumnA ExcelColumnB ColumnC
User Display Name1 Samaccountname GroupName
User Display Name1 Samaccountname GroupName
User Display Name1 Samaccountname GroupName
User Display Name2 Samaccountname GroupName
User Display Name2 Samaccountname GroupName
User Display Name3 Samaccountname GroupName

Current Script:
#Import the AD module
import-module ActiveDirectory

#Set OU for script to search in

Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties DisplayName,samaccountname,department,memberof -searchbase $OU | % {
New-Object PSObject -Property @{
UserName = $.DisplayName
SamAccountName = $
Department = $.department
Groups = ($
.memberof | Get-ADGroup | Select -ExpandProperty Name) -join “,”
} | Select UserName,SamAccountName,Department,Groups | Export-Csv C:\testreport.csv -NTI

Could you please format your code as code? Thanks.


$List = Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties DisplayName,samaccountname,department,memberof -searchbase $OU |
ForEach-Object {
$User = $_
$User.memberof |
ForEach-Object {
DisplayName = $User.DisplayName
SamAccountName = $User.samaccountname
Department = $User.department
Group = Get-ADGroup -Identity $_ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
} # end of PSCustomObject
} # end of Foreach-Object #2
} # end of Foreach-Object #1

$List | Export-Csv -Path ‘C:\testreport.csv’ -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8

Apologies for not posting the code correctly and Thanks for the assistance. It worked perfectly to what i needed. Still a PowerShell newbie.

That’s a beautiful one :slight_smile: