export-csv array in single line

Hi everyone, I don’t understand much about programming, I found on this site a script that I adapted to my needs but the output is not what I want.
In the csv generated you can see

“RADIOLOGIA4”,“Administrator”,“Pc di test”
“RADIOLOGIA4”,“user”,“Pc di test”
“RADIOLOGIA4”,“Domain Admins”,“Pc di test”

but I need to put all members of ADMINISTRATOR group in a single line for each Server, can someone help me? I have tried everything :frowning:

“H2OSRVTEST”,“Administrator” “h2oadmin”,“Development”
“H2OSRV1”,“Administrator” “usertest” “h2oadmin”,“Development”
“RADIOLOGIA4”,“Administrator” “user”,“Pc di test”

$computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Properties description -SearchBase "OU=server h2o,OU=sanatrix,DC=assa, DC=local" | select description,name
$Results = @()

Foreach ($Computer in $Computers){
	write-host $Computer.description
	$members =[ADSI]"WinNT://$Name/Administrators"
	$members = @($members.psbase.Invoke("Members"))
	$members | foreach {
		$LocalAdmins = $_.GetType().InvokeMember("Name", 'GetProperty', $null, $_, $null)    # Create a new object for the purpose of exporting as a CSV
		$pubObject = new-object PSObject               
		$pubObject | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -Name "SERVER" -Value $Name       
        $pubObject | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -name "ADMINISTRATORS" -Value $LocalAdmins
        $pubObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DESCRIPTION" -Value $description

		# Append this iteration of our for loop to our results array.
		$Results += $pubObject

$Results | Export-Csv -Path "C:\temp\ServerLocalAdmins.csv" -NoTypeInformation
$Results = $Null
Hi everyone, I don't understand much about programming
I suggest, if you want to be able to solve these kinds of problems, that you make an effort to learn.

So, let’s talk about a potential solution to your problem. Here’s one way you could adjust the output to look like what you want:

$computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Properties description -SearchBase "OU=server h2o,OU=sanatrix,DC=assa, DC=local" | select description,name
$Results = @()

Foreach ($Computer in $Computers){
	write-host $Computer.description
	$members =[ADSI]"WinNT://$Name/Administrators"
	$members = @($members.psbase.Invoke("Members"))
	$members | foreach {
		$LocalAdmins = $_.GetType().InvokeMember("Name", 'GetProperty', $null, $_, $null)    # Create a new object for the purpose of exporting as a CSV
		$pubObject = new-object PSObject               
		$pubObject | Add-member -membertype NoteProperty -Name "SERVER" -Value $Name       
        $pubObject | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -name "ADMINISTRATORS" -Value $LocalAdmins
        $pubObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DESCRIPTION" -Value $description

		# Append this iteration of our for loop to our results array.
		$Results += $pubObject

## filter the Results array and collapse entries
$FilteredResults =@()
$tempObject = New-Object PSObject

for ( $i=0; $i -lt $Results.Count; $i++ ) {
    $tempObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "SERVER" -Value $Results[$i].SERVER -Force
    $tempObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ADMINISTRATORS" -Value $Results[$i].ADMINISTRATORS -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $tempObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DESCRIPTION" -Value $Results[$i].DESCRIPTION -Force

    if ( $tempObject.SERVER -eq $Results[$i+1].SERVER -and $tempObject.DESCRIPTION -eq $Results[$i+1].DESCRIPTION ) {
        $tempObject.ADMINISTRATORS = "$($tempObject.ADMINISTRATORS)" + ", $($Results[$i+1].ADMINISTRATORS)"
    } else {
        $FilteredResults += $tempObject
        $tempObject = New-Object PSObject

$FilteredResults | Export-Csv -Path "C:\temp\ServerLocalAdmins.csv" -NoTypeInformation
$Results = $Null
$FilteredResults = $Null

The $FilteredResults object will look like this:

------      --------------                     -----------
H2OSRVTEST  Administrator, h2oadmin            Development
H2OSRV1     Administrator, usertest, h2oadmin  Production 
RADIOLOGIA4 Administrator, user, Domain Admins Pc di test

The section that I added takes an object from the $Results array and puts it into a temporary object (lines 28-31). It then compares that object to the next one in the array, looking to see if the SERVER and DESCRIPTION match (line 33). If they do match, it adds the ADMINISTRATORS for the next object to the temporary one (line 34). If they don’t match, it adds the combined object ($tempObject) to the $FilteredResults array (line 36) and resets $tempObject for the next comparison (line 37).

This definitely isn’t the most efficient way to handle this, but I think it’s relatively understandable. It is also non-destructive to your existing variables, meaning that it doesn’t change the contents of the original $Results array if you should need to use it for something else.

However, you should note that it joins all of the administrator names into a single value. PowerShell will no longer understand those names as being separate pieces of information. If you need to select individual administrator names from this information later, it will require more work.

You can accomplish it with slightly less code and a bit more performance:

# Get all computers from SearchBase
$computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Properties Description -SearchBase 'OU=server h2o,OU=sanatrix,DC=assa, DC=local' |
    Select-Object -Property Description, Name

$results = foreach ($computer in $computers) {

$computerName = $computer.Name
$description  = $computer.Description

$members = (([adsi]"WinNT://$computerName/Administrators,group").psbase.Invoke("Members"))

$members | ForEach-Object {
    $localAdmins = $_.GetType().InvokeMember("Name", 'GetProperty', $null, $_, $null)

        SERVER         = $computerName
        ADMINISTRATORS = $localAdmins
        DESCRIPTION    = $description


$uniqueComputerNames = $results | Select-Object -Property SERVER -Unique

foreach ($computerName in $uniqueComputerNames) {
$computerName = $computerName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SERVER

    SERVER         = $computerName
    ADMINISTRATORS = ($results | Where-Object { $_.SERVER -match $computerName } |
        Select-Object -ExpandProperty Administrators) -join ', '
    DESCRIPTION    = ($results | Where-Object { $_.SERVER -match $computerName } |
        Select-Object -ExpandProperty Description -Unique)


As grokkit mentioned, the Administrators object is one long string, so you can’t really do simple filtering as if they were individual objects. Pickup the MOL series - it’ll do a lot for you.

waooooo, guys, this is much more than what I needed, I don’t know how to say thank you !!!, not just because you gave me the solution (it was days that I tried, I work a lot and I have so little time to study :frowning: ), it gives me great joy because you share your knowledge without asking anything, I prayed and thanked for you, and if you find yourself passing through Italy in Rome, contact me and I will be happy to host you (there is little privacy, however, because my house it has no doors, I removed them all :))
Forgive me for my English, I get help from google
thanks again thanks thanks and thanks

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