Hi all,
I have a script that executes various commands for initial configuration of Windows server and would like to reboot at a specific point and then resume from that point onwards to the end.
Is there any way to do that?
Thank you.
Hi all,
I have a script that executes various commands for initial configuration of Windows server and would like to reboot at a specific point and then resume from that point onwards to the end.
Is there any way to do that?
Thank you.
You could use PowerShell Workflow
Thank you Olaf. Will go through the documentation.
Hello @Olaf .
So i went through the documented and initiated a remote pssession with my VM from my host, within PS ISE.
Then i denoted the below function. When i hit enter the results are showing that the powershell runs both WMI-Object commands and it says an error that fails to restart because there are other users logged on to the computer.
Any thoughts of what am i doing wrong?
Thank you.
workflow test-restart {
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem
Restart-Computer -Wait -PSComputerName xxxxxxxxxxx
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem
If you give a shit on other users logged on to the remote computer and their potentially unsaved work you can use the parameter -Force
to force an immediate restart of the remote computer.
Yes I get your point even though I am now just testing it on my VM where I am the only user logged on, so this seems strange to me. And even with the force restart, when it gets back online, the connections of the PSSession is dropped, so i guess something is really wrong.
But thank you for your reply
If you’re logged in with an interactivce session and you try to remotely reboot this computer the remote command does actually not see who’s logged on - only that there is someone logged on … therefor the “hesitation”.