Error Using Invoke-WebRequest in a Class

I’m not sure what I’m missing or if this is a bug but would appreciate thoughts.
The script below produces an error when used in Powershell but not ISE.

Originally I thought this might be a bug in an early version of PowerShell but I’ve since
upgraded to 5.1.14409.1005 and its still happens. Oddly enough the intellisense in ISE says
it can’t find the type either but it doesn’t error out on run.

Here is the error.
“Unable to find type [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.HtmlWebResponseObject]”

Here is the body of the script. This works in ISE

Class TestObject {

    $this.WebRequest = Invoke-WebRequest -URI
    return $this
$Test = New-Object -TypeName TestObject 

It appears as if I can remove the data type definition of the $WebRequest variable and it works.
So unless someone has anything to add I’ll move on.

Class TestObject {

    $this.WebRequest = Invoke-WebRequest -URI
    return $this
$Test = New-Object -TypeName TestObject 

No, that was going to be my suggestion. Class namespaces get a little weird and by not using a type you just let .NET figure it out, which it’s usually pretty good at.