
by antonela at 2013-04-12 07:37:03

I have a powershell file (myFile.ps1) with this command (launch a dtexec):

dtexec /DTS "\MSDB\mydts" /SERVER localhost /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING V /set \package.variables[x_TempFile].Value;$TempFile

but I have this error:
Argument for ""package.variables[x_TempFile].Value"" for option "set" is not valid

Which is the correct way to set a variable (in my case the name of file)?

In a .cmd I use
set TempFile="C:\Temp\a.xml"
dtexec /DTS "\MSDB\mydts" /SERVER localhost /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING V /set \package.variables[x_TempFile].Value;%TempFile%

and it’s ok, but I’m not able to do the same in powershell.
by Klaas at 2013-04-15 00:31:49
I haven’t tried this, but sometimes parsing problems are overcome by constructing a string outside the cmd. Maybe something like this could work:
$pv = "\package.variables[x_TempFile].Value;'C:\Temp\a.xml'"
dtexec /DTS "\MSDB\mydts" /SERVER localhost /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING V /set $pv
by MaxTrinidad at 2013-04-16 11:38:05
I would recommend to use opening and closing single qoutes after the /set parameter including the semicolon ";".

… /set ‘\package.variables[x_TempFile].Value;’+$TempFile

This will give the result which I think is what you’re looking for:


Hope this works for you.