DSC ressources are not being downloaded from pull server

I setup HTTP pull server in lab but my clients are not downloading custom resources they need. Modules with resources are placed in proper location with checksum:

PS C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\DscService\Modules> Get-ChildItem

    Directory: C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\DscService\Modules

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----       15.04.2018     12:14          63321 SecurityPolicyDsc_2.2.0.0.zip
-a----       15.04.2018     14:39             64 SecurityPolicyDsc_2.2.0.0.zip.checksum
-a----       15.04.2018     12:13          41408 xCertificate_3.2.0.0.zip
-a----       15.04.2018     14:39             64 xCertificate_3.2.0.0.zip.checksum
-a----       15.04.2018     12:13          45503 xComputerManagement_4.0.0.0.zip
-a----       15.04.2018     14:39             64 xComputerManagement_4.0.0.0.zip.checksum
-a----       15.04.2018     12:12          12793 xSystemSecurity_1.3.0.0.zip
-a----       15.04.2018     14:39             64 xSystemSecurity_1.3.0.0.zip.checksum

On client side I can see following in both event log and this cmdlet:

PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-DscConfiguration
Get-DscConfiguration : The PowerShell DSC resource MSFT_xScheduledTask from module  does n
ot exist at the PowerShell module path nor is it registered as a WMI DSC resource.
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-DscConfiguration
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (MSFT_DSCLocalConfigurationManager:root/Microsoft/...gurationManager)
   [Get-DscConfiguration], CimException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : DscResourceNotFound,Get-DscConfiguration

What could be the issue?
If I download the resources to clients everything runs perfectly.

What’s the LCM configuration?

Hi Don,

here it is:

PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-DscLocalConfigurationManager | fl *

ActionAfterReboot              : ContinueConfiguration
AgentId                        : C39CA2B9-401A-11E8-86D7-00155D016A49
AllowModuleOverwrite           : False
CertificateID                  :
ConfigurationDownloadManagers  : {}
ConfigurationID                : 4288c8c2-fc8e-493c-829a-de0d1577849f
ConfigurationMode              : ApplyAndAutoCorrect
ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins : 15
Credential                     :
DebugMode                      : {NONE}
DownloadManagerCustomData      : {MSFT_KeyValuePair (key = "ServerUrl"), MSFT_KeyValuePair (key = "AllowUnsecureConnect
DownloadManagerName            : WebDownloadManager
LCMCompatibleVersions          : {1.0, 2.0}
LCMState                       : Idle
LCMStateDetail                 :
LCMVersion                     : 2.0
MaximumDownloadSizeMB          : 500
PartialConfigurations          :
RebootNodeIfNeeded             : True
RefreshFrequencyMins           : 30
RefreshMode                    : Pull
ReportManagers                 : {}
ResourceModuleManagers         : {}
SignatureValidationPolicy      : NONE
SignatureValidations           : {}
StatusRetentionTimeInDays      : 10
PSComputerName                 :
CimClass                       : root/Microsoft/Windows/DesiredStateConfiguration:MSFT_DSCMetaConfiguration
CimInstanceProperties          : {ActionAfterReboot, AgentId, AllowModuleOverwrite, CertificateID...}
CimSystemProperties            : Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSystemProperties