Displaying PSComputerName in Workflow Script

I run script on remote computers and this is what I get:

ProductVersion FileVersion FileName PSComputerName

1.16.03 1.16.03 C:\Program Files\DGT\Stanowisko Wsparcia\Awizo.exe localhost
1.16.03 1.16.03 C:\Program Files\DGT\Stanowisko Wsparcia\Awizo.exe localhost
1.16.03 1.16.03 C:\Program Files\DGT\Stanowisko Wsparcia\Awizo.exe localhost
1.16.03 1.16.03 C:\Program Files\DGT\Stanowisko Wsparcia\Awizo.exe localhost
1.16.03 1.16.03 C:\Program Files\DGT\Stanowisko Wsparcia\Awizo.exe localhost

The script is working OK, I get the actual data from computers but why don’t I get the proper ComputerName ?

Here is my script:

workflow foreachptest
	[string[]]$servers = Get-Content "C:\computers.txt"
	$pass = cat C:\Pass.txt |ConvertTo-SecureString
	$mycred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist "Administrator",$pass
	ForEach -Parallel($server in $servers)
		   Invoke-Command -ComputerName $USING:server -Credential $USING:mycred -ScriptBlock {Get-Process Awizo -ErrorAction silentlycontinue -fileversioninfo}						 

What’s in computers.txt file?

txt file contains computers ip, like this:

It works ok in normal script, problem accur when I use Workflow.

Because you are invoking the command remotely, the gwmi cmdlet is technically being run on the localhost, and is thus reporting so.

Bob, your thinking makes sense but…

When I do the same thing but not in workflow I get output with computers ip.


	[string[]]$servers = Get-Content "C:\computers.txt"
	$pass = cat C:\Pass.txt |ConvertTo-SecureString
	$mycred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist "Admininistrator",$pass
	ForEach ($server in $servers)
		Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server -Credential $mycred {Get-Process Awizo -ErrorAction silentlycontinue -fileversioninfo}				 

^^Above script give me:

ProductVersion FileVersion FileName PSComputerName

1.16.03 1.16.03 C:\Program Files\DG…
1.16.03 1.16.03 C:\Program Files\DG…

will take the ip address and get the hostname


Code within a PowerShell workflow is not run by PowerShell. When you define a workflow, PowerShell converts the code to XAML to be run in Windows Workflow.

Do not expect anything to behave exactly the same in a Workflow as it does in PowerShell. Most things do, most of the time, but not everything, and not all of the time. Test everything.