Displaying output of compare-object in textbox

by Davehal at 2013-04-21 06:09:12


I am new to powershell and am trying to do a simple (I thought :-P) comparison between the contents of two text files and display them in an output textbox.

I have two textboxes called Diff1 and Diff2, these contain the paths to the files i want to compare. I then click a button called compare. I want to display the result in a textbox called console:

#TODO: Place custom script here
$comp1 = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $Diff1.text;
Write-Host "comp1 = " $comp1;
$console.AppendText("comp1 = " + $comp1);

$comp2 = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $Diff2.text;
Write-Host "comp2 = " $comp2;
$console.AppendText("comp2 = " + $comp2);

$compOutput = Compare-Object $(Get-Content $comp1) $(Get-Content $comp2)

Write-Host $compOutput;
$console.AppendText((Compare-Object $(Get-Content $comp1) $(Get-Content $comp2)));

The powershell console (output of Write-Host) displays everything correctly
I can see the two paths in the textbox no problem, but the result of the comparison ($compOutput) is not shown in the textbox.

Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong? Or have any advice? I can’t figure out why I can display some things but the output of Compare-Object!!!

Thanks in advance

by MasterOfTheHat at 2013-04-22 07:00:59
I’m guessing that $console is your text box. Do you see the "comp1 = comp1" and "comp2 = comp2" lines in the text box? And is there any reason you are running the Compare-Object command twice?
by Davehal at 2013-04-22 07:49:49

Thanks for your reply,

Yes, $console is my textbox, its just a large textbox on the qui.
I can see the output of comp1 = comp1 and comp2 = comp2 in this textbox.
I was editing the code when trying to track down the issue, that’s why the Compare-Object command is there twice, I forgot to correct it!

I’ve pasted in a correct version of my code:


$comp1 = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $Diff1.text;
Write-Host "comp1 = " $comp1;
$console.AppendText("comp1 = " + $comp1);

$comp2 = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $Diff2.text;
Write-Host "comp2 = " $comp2;
$console.AppendText("comp2 = " + $comp2);

$compOutput = Compare-Object $(Get-Content $comp1) $(Get-Content $comp2);

Write-Host $compOutput;

by MasterOfTheHat at 2013-04-22 08:18:47
Np! Btw, try using the Code or powershell tags to make the posts more readable…

And check out the help for Compare-Object, (help compare-object -full):
None, or the objects that are different

When you use the PassThru parameter, Compare-Object returns the objects that differed. Otherwise, this cmdlet
does not generate any output.

So try adding -PassThru to the end of your Compare-Object command.
by Davehal at 2013-04-22 08:32:44
Thanks very much, that worked - I’ll try RTFM in future :slight_smile:

$compOutput = Compare-Object $(Get-Content $comp1) $(Get-Content $comp2) -PassThru;