disable/delete AD Computer ignore exception group

For some reason the logic is not ignoring if a member of the exception group. Any ideas why? From what I have found it has to do with the scope change.

This works (uses a searchbase):

$ExceptionGroup = "DIV-ComputerLifeCycleManagementException-DL"

$compds=Get-ADComputer -Property Name,lastLogonDate,Created,Description,MemberOf,Modified -Filter {(enabled -eq $False) -and (Modified -le $DaysDisable ) } -SearchBase "DC=1,DC=domain,DC=com" 

foreach ($compd in $compds){
# Delete all computer not in the exception group
if(!($compd.MemberOf -like "*"+ $ExceptionGroup +"*")){
$compd | Export-Csv -Append -path $fileDelete 
#$compd | Remove-ADcomputer -Confirm:$False
# Get-ADComputer -Identity $compd | Remove-ADObject -Recursive -Confirm:$False

This does not work (using a GC server for multidomain searching):

$ExceptionGroup = "DIV-ComputerLifeCycleManagementException-DL"

$compds=Get-ADComputer -Property Name,lastLogonDate,Created,Description,MemberOf,Modified -Filter {(enabled -eq $False) -and (Modified -le $DaysDisable ) } -Server serv.domain.com:3268

foreach ($compd in $compds){
# Delete all computer not in the exception group
if(!($compd.MemberOf -like "*"+ $ExceptionGroup +"*")){
$compd | Export-Csv -Append -path $fileDelete 
#$compd | Remove-ADcomputer -Confirm:$False
# Get-ADComputer -Identity $compd | Remove-ADObject -Recursive -Confirm:$False

Any ideas to what is causing this change to cause the commands to ignore the line that says to not include if in exception group?




One solution is to use a calculated expression to identify the membership and then just exclude them with a filter:

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

$exclusionGrp = 'CN=Domain Admins*'

$users = Get-ADUser -Filter {Enabled -eq $True} -Properties MemberOf | 
         Select Name, 
                @{Name='InExclusionGrouup';Expression={[boolean]($_.MemberOf -like $exclusionGrp)}}

foreach ($user in $users | Where{$_.InExclusionGrouup -eq $false}) {

if you look $users, you would see something like this, then you are just doing a simple filter:

PS C:\Users\Administrator> $users

Name          SamAccountName InExclusionGrouup
----          -------------- -----------------
Administrator Administrator               True
Rob Simmers   rs                          True
Jack Smith    js                         False
Sally Smith   ss                         False
Angela Smith  as                         False

would this take you to the correct direction


$exclustionroup = “DIV-ComputerLifeCycleManagementException-DL”
Get-ADComputer -Filter {enabled -eq $false} -Properties memberOf | where {$_.memberof -notmatch $exclustionroup}


[quote quote=178524][/quote]
I like the idea but something is not working correctly. It is no longer getting the computers in the exception group but it is missing a lot of other systems also.

PS C:\Scripts\ADCleanup> $compds=Get-ADComputer -Property Name,lastLogonDate,Created,Description,MemberOf,Modified -Filter {(enabled -eq $False) -and (Modified -le $DaysDisable ) } -Server serv.domain.com:3268 | where-object {$_.memberof -notmatch $ExceptionGroup}
PS C:\Scripts\ADCleanup> $compds.count
PS C:\Scripts\ADCleanup> $compds1=Get-ADComputer -Property Name,lastLogonDate,Created,Description,MemberOf,Modified -Filter {(enabled -eq $False) -and (Modified -le $DaysDisable ) } -Server serv.domain.com:3268
PS C:\Scripts\ADCleanup> $compds1.count

There are 206 members of the exception group. So going from 1164 results down to 59 is not correct. I should be in the 958 or higher range.

seems so. Sorry, I didn’t have AD to play with. This is ugly as the scripter, but seems to get proper results. I had to drop those filters away to get some hits though.

$exceptionGroup = ‘CG-some-old-crapz’
$exceptionGroupMembers = Get-ADGroupMember $exceptionGroup -Recursive

$searchBase = ‘OU=Servers,DC=plop,DC=com’

$compds = Get-ADComputer -SearchBase $searchBase -Property Name,lastLogonDate,Created,Description,MemberOf,Modified -Filter *

$compds = $compds | where {$_.name -notin $exceptionGroupMembers.name}

So I’m getting an error when executing:

$exceptionGroupMembers = Get-ADGroupMember $exceptionGroup -Recursive

I have tried by manually putting in the group identity and get the same exception every time.

Get-ADGroupMember : An operations error occurred At line:2 char:26 + $exceptionGroupMembers = Get-ADGroupMember $ExceptionGroup -Recursive + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (DIV-ComputerLif...entException-DL:ADGroup) [Get-ADGroupMember], ADException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ActiveDirectoryServer:8224,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.GetADGroupMember

ok I think I have it by using this


Function Get-ADGroupMemberFix {
            Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            Position = 0
    process {
        foreach ($GroupIdentity in $Identity) {
            $Group = $null
            $Group = Get-ADGroup -Identity $GroupIdentity -Properties Member
            if (-not $Group) {
            Foreach ($Member in $Group.Member) {
                Get-ADObject $Member -Server serv.domain.com:3268 
$DaysInactive = (Get-Date).AddDays(-90) 
$DaysDisable = (Get-Date).AddDays(-7)
$Yesterday = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1)
$output = "C:\Scripts\ADCleanup\Output"
$ExceptionGroup = "DIV-ComputerLifeCycleManagementException-DL"
$exceptionGroupMembers = Get-ADGroupMemberFix $ExceptionGroup
$compds=Get-ADComputer -Property Name,lastLogonDate,Created,Description,MemberOf,Modified -Filter {(enabled -eq $False) -and (Modified -le $DaysDisable ) } -Server serv.domain.com:3268  | where-object {$_.name -notin $exceptionGroupMembers.name}
    foreach ($compd in $compds){
# Delete all computer not in the exception group
#        if(!($compd.MemberOf -like "*"+ $ExceptionGroup +"*")){
        $compd | Export-Csv -Append -NoTypeInformation -path $fileDelete 
#       $compd | Remove-ADcomputer -Confirm:$False
#        Get-ADComputer -Identity $compd | Remove-ADObject -Recursive -Confirm:$False
#        }

but getting strange results so let me keep looking at this. Basically my report keeps showing the items that would be in the exception group but when I run:

$compds | Select-Object name | Sort-Object name

It is not found in the $compds results… So I’m missing something.

So not sure what was going on with the reporting but all is well the above is working great for me. I did a vlookup to verify that it is not catching any systems in the exception group and it appears to be working perfectly!! Thanks for everyone’s help.