Deploy PS script via SCCM package

I’m trying to deploy my first Powershell script via an SCCM 2010 R2 package.
These are the errors from execmgr.log:

Any ideas please?

Error lines not displaying?

[LOG[Invalid data file “powershell.exe -noprofile -ExecutionPolicy bypass -file .\RebootAuto.ps1” to execute using file association]LOG]

Just curious, what OS are you targeting?

Also, try the following switches. I’ve had better luck with that in the past.

“powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoLogo -NonInteractive -NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -File .%PSScript%.ps1”

Windows 7

Just updated my reply above. Sorry. :wink:

Just tried that and got the same error about file association.

Silly me. I had quotes around the command in the package definition

:slight_smile: I should’ve thought about that. Well done!