I am a noob who has been handed the attached power shell script and instructed to append the output to a csv file. It sounds simple enough but I am making little to no progress on it. In order to run the script you will need to define a path to a msi package - this is done on the very last line of the script. When you execute the script it will output Product_Name, Product_Version and Package_Code. I need to export and append those 3 items to a csv file. When I execute the export function I receive a parameter error that bombs the script out.
Within the script I have commented out the lines of code I have attempted adding/manipulating to try and make this work. Any help or direction on this would be much appreciated. Thank You in Advance.
NOTE The script will run on any msi file but you must specify the path at the end of the script:
Get-MsiInformation “C:\path\to\msi\file\app_name.msi”
Please replace the Add-MsiPackageCodeToCsv function in your script with below:
function Add-MsiPackageCodeToCsv {
Param (
[String] $IsGa = $(throw "Parameter -IsGa [System.String] is required."),
[IO.FileInfo] $MsiFilePath = $(throw "Parameter -MsiFilePath [IO.FileInfo] is required."),
[String] $CsvFilePath = "C:\test.csv"
$PackageInfo = Get-MsiInformation $MsiFilePath
$PackageInfo['IsGa'] = $IsGa
try {
if (Test-Path -Path $CsvFilePath) {
$PackageList = @(Import-Csv -Path $CsvFilePath)
if ($PackageList.PackageCode -contains $PackageInfo.PackageCode) {
throw "$($PackageInfo.PackageCode) already exists in list of current package codes"
$PackageList += [pscustomobject]$PackageInfo | Select-Object -Property ProductName, ProductVersion, PackageCode, IsGa
$PackageList | Export-Csv -Path $CsvFilePath -NoTypeInformation
Write-Error -Message $_
Add-MsiPackageCodeToCsv -IsGa 'Yes' -MsiFilePath "C:\path\to\msi\file\app_name1.msi"
Add-MsiPackageCodeToCsv -IsGa 'Yes' -MsiFilePath "C:\path\to\msi\file\app_name2.msi"
I think you are over complicating it. When I ran the code, it returned a hash table. Typically, a function like Get-MSInformation would return a PSObject:
$props = @{
PackageCode = $packageCode;
ProductCode = $productCode[1];
ProductVersion = $version[1];
ProductName = $productName[1];
UpgradeCode = $upgradeCode[1];
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $props
Once you update the function, you would get:
UpgradeCode : {50CA4F23-337B-450C-8576-7984A0FDE029}
ProductVersion : 7.0.0
ProductName : VMware Remote Console
ProductCode : 0522e1ff-6290-467f-af84-d9b4eb3eeb09
PackageCode : 66a96973-bb1b-4dc5-9ecd-4bc2521149bc
Name Value
---- -----
UpgradeCode {50CA4F23-337B-450C-8576-7984A0FDE029}
ProductVersion 7.0.0
ProductName VMware Remote Console
ProductCode 0522e1ff-6290-467f-af84-d9b4eb3eeb09
PackageCode 66a96973-bb1b-4dc5-9ecd-4bc2521149bc
To export to a CSV, it would be as simple as:
Get-MsiInformation "C:\users\rsimmers\Downloads\VMware-VMRC-7.0.0-2217084.msi" | Export-CSV C:\Users\rsimmers\Desktop\test.csv -NoTypeInformation
If you only wanted a single property, it would be:
Get-MsiInformation "C:\users\rsimmers\Downloads\VMware-VMRC-7.0.0-2217084.msi" | Select PackageCode | Export-CSV C:\Users\rsimmers\Desktop\test.csv -NoTypeInformation
Also, you don’t need the return moniker, just the variable name will return the data from the function. Hope this helps.
Thank you all for the helpful information. I now have a working script that is exporting the needed information to a csv file.