csv to sql database insert\update

I had posted a questing back in jan. about updating a sql database from a csv file, and received some great suggestions. I tried adding to that question but it wouldn’t let me( too old perhaps?).
I was able to add rows to the database with the code I created, but it appeared to add duplicates. so I have tried the following code and I am getting errors… such as "incorrect syntax near the key word ‘from’ " and "Exception calling “ExecuteNonQuery” with “0” argument(s): “Conversion failed when converting the varchar value ‘luis’ to data type int.”

$userlist = Import-CSV C:\scripts\HS-Student-with-pass.csv
$database = 'HSStudents'
$server = 'HP600-WIN8-MG\SQLEXPRESS'
$table = 'dbo.StudentInfo'
$SQLServer = "HP600-WIN8-MG\sqlexpress"
$SQLDBName = "HSStudents"
$SqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$SqlConnection.ConnectionString = "Server = $SQLServer; Database = $SQLDBName; Integrated Security = True"

Foreach($user in $userlist){

    $col1 = $user.stuid 
    $col2 = $user.lastname
    $col3 = $user.firstname
    $col4 = $user.gradelevel
    $col5 = $user.status
    $col6 = $user.homeroom
    $col7 = $user.hrteacher
    $col8 = $user.newpassword

    $dbwrite = $SqlConnection.CreateCommand()
    $dbwrite.CommandText =  "IF NOT EXISTS (select from $table where stuid = $col1 )
                            INSERT INTO $table (stuid, lastname,firstname,gradelevel,status,homeroom,hrteacher,newpassword)
                            VALUES ('$col1','$col2','$col3','$col4','$col5','$col6','$col7','$col8')"
    $dbwrite.ExecuteNonQuery() # | out-null



Im trying to add an “if not exists… then insert new data row”. the “stuid” column is the unique column.
any suggestions appreciated as to what im doing wrong… ive been googling for days and this is the best point ive gotten too as the best way to update an existing sql database with info that has been received via a csv file.

That isn’t really how the EXISTS keyword works. Have you tried testing that query with static values, in a SQL Server Management Studio window?

I generally break these into two queries - check to see if the value exists, and then either update or insert based on that.

no… I haven’t tried that… will try it now. im in agreement on the 2 queries as an end result… I will need to see if the “stuid” exists in the database already… if not insert the new stuid row… and if it does exists… update the status and/or grade level fields if required.

I think your SQL would look more like this for what you are trying to do. I like here strings to build query because you can ident the query, but keep in mind you cannot indent the here string itself. So, in the example, $sqlCmd= @" and "@ cannot be indented or have any whitespace after them:

$sqlCmd = @"
select @stuID = stuid from $table where stuid = $col1

		INSERT INTO [dbo].[$table] ...

$dbwrite.CommandText = $sqlCmd

for some reason… I am now getting back an error that I would expect…“violation of primary key constraint…” where as before I wasn’t getting that. both from the management studio window when running the query with static values, and from the script im trying to create to update/insert from the csv file. curiously I have 2 rows in the csv that aren’t in the database and it doesn’t look like its adding them.

Rob… would here strings be beneficial if my direction is to have a situation such as “I will need to see if the “stuid” exists in the database already… if not insert the new stuid row… and if it does exists… update the status and/or grade level fields if required.” ?
as opposed to the direction im am currently in? ( in essence I think its a temporary table… im taking a csv… putting it in to a temp table, then acting on that data. am I correct in this?)

Here strings are just to help keep formatting of SQL to make it more readable. To do an Insert\Update, you could do something like this.

# Create DB connection
Get-Content C:\MyCSV.csv | foreach {

$sqlCMD = @"
Declare @STUDENT_ID nvarchar(50) = '$($_.stuID)'
Declare @STUDENT_NAME nvarchar(250) = '$($_.Name)'
Declare @GRADELEVEL smallint = '$($_.GradeLevel)'

IF EXISTS (select stuid from $table where stuid = @STUDENT_ID )
        UPDATE [dbo].[$table]
           SET [stuid] = @STUDENT_ID
              ,[sName] = @STUDENT_NAME
              ,[sGrade] = @GRADE
         WHERE stuid = @STUDENT_ID
        INSERT INTO [dbo].[$table]

    $dbwrite = $SqlConnection.CreateCommand()
    $dbwrite.CommandText =  $sqlCMD
    $dbwrite.ExecuteNonQuery() # | out-null
#Close DB connection

ok… been working on this all day yesterday… and this morning. here is the code I got so far.

$table = 'StudentInfo'
$SQLServer = "HP600-WIN8-MG\sqlexpress"
$SQLDBName = "HSStudents"

$SqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$SqlConnection.ConnectionString = "Server = $SQLServer; Database = $SQLDBName; Integrated Security = True"

# Create DB connection
Get-Content C:\scripts\HS-Student-with-pass.csv | foreach {

$sqlCMD = @"
Declare @STUDENT_ID int = '$($_.stuid)'
Declare @STUDENT_LASTNAME nvarchar(50) = '$($_.lastname)'
Declare @STUDENT_FIRSTNAME nvarchar(50) = '$($_.firstname)'
Declare @GRADELEVEL int = '$($_.gradelevel)'
Declare @STATUS nvarchar(50) = '$($_.status)'
Declare @HOMEROOM nvarchar(50) = '$($_.homeroom)'
Declare @HR_TEACHER nvarchar(50) = '$($_.hrteacher)'
Declare @NEW_PASSWORD int = '$($_.newpassword)' 

IF EXISTS (select stuid from $table where stuid = @STUDENT_ID )
    UPDATE [dbo].[$table]
       SET [stuid] = @STUDENT_ID
          ,[lastname] = @STUDENT_LASTNAME
          ,[firstname] = @STUDENT_FIRSTNAME
          ,[gradelevel] = @GRADELEVEL
          ,[status] = @STATUS
          ,[homeroom] = @HOMEROOM
          ,]hrteacher] = @HR_TEACHER
          ,[newpassword] = @NEW_PASSWORD
     WHERE stuid = @STUDENT_ID
        INSERT INTO [dbo].[$table]
    $dbwrite = $SqlConnection.CreateCommand()
    $dbwrite.CommandText = $sqlCMD

im getting;
Exception calling “ExecuteNonQuery” with “0” argument(s): “Incorrect syntax near ‘]’.”
At C:\scripts\sql project\update-insert-csv-to-db-beta-ver1.ps1:70 char:5

  • $dbwrite.ExecuteNonQuery()
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:slight_smile: , MethodInvocationException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : SqlException

ive checked for spaces and such. am I building the connection incorrectly? what am I missing?

I can see two typos in your here-string:

Starting bracket is backwards here:

,]hrteacher] = @HR_TEACHER

Missing ending bracket here:


Keep in mind, you should be able to just echo $sqlCMD and then copy and paste it into SQL mgmt. studio and run it. Validate that all of the variables at the top are being filled in with student information that you expect.

thank you for the assistance guys… its much appreciated.

wow… thanks simon…ive been staring at the screen for hours… perhaps its time I enlarge the type a little bit. I even cut and pasted the script into ssms and that didn’t help me find them.
once I made those corrections the script ran fine with no errors… but did not create 2 users that are in the csv , but not yet in the database.

in the following example;
Declare @STUDENT_ID int = '$($.stuid)’
.stuid the stuid part should be representative of the header inside the csv? am I correct?

because these variables are inside the here string… I cant put in a write-host statement to troubleshoot… how would I go about troubleshooting this?
Rob… im looking at running the commands inside the ssms and im not understanding how to validate the variables being filled… how can I do that?

I see how to show results options… but nothing is showing up. am I too assume that means there are no variables being filled?

I think you should use Import-CSV, not Get-Content.
If you use Import-CSV, referring to $($_.stuid) in the SQL command would refer to the value in the column ‘stuid’.


Write-Verbose -Message $sqlCMD -Verbose

or if you prefer write-host:

Write-Host -Object $sqlCMD

Directly after you defined $sqlCMD, that way you can validate the query being generated.

Also I would recommend commenting out the rows actually executing your query until you are satisfied that it is correct.

ok… changed to “import-csv”

import-csv C:\scripts\HS-Student-with-pass.csv | foreach {

now im getting ;
Exception calling “ExecuteNonQuery” with “0” argument(s): “Conversion failed when converting the varchar value ‘dylan’ to data type int.”
At C:\scripts\sql project\update-insert-csv-to-db-beta-ver1e.ps1:67 char:1

  • $dbwrite.ExecuteNonQuery() | Out-Null
  •   + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : SqlException

im getting this for various user names in the (im assuming in the csv and not the db).
along with this showing up occasionaly;

Exception calling “ExecuteNonQuery” with “0” argument(s): “Incorrect syntax near ‘ASIA’.
Unclosed quotation mark after the character string ’
IF EXISTS (select stuid from StudentInfo where stuid = @STUDENT_ID )
UPDATE [dbo].[StudentInfo]
SET [stuid] = @STUDENT_ID
,[lastname] = @STUDENT_LASTNAME
,[firstname] = @STUDENT_FIRSTNAME
,[gradelevel] = @GRADELEVEL
,[status] = @STATUS
,[homeroom] = @HOMEROOM
,[hrteacher] = @HR_TEACHER
,[newpassword] = @NEW_PASSWORD
INSERT INTO [dbo].[StudentInfo]

im guessing this is a good indication that it is attempting to fill variables where as before I would get no return on screen and nothing got created in the database that is in the csv that isn’t in the db yet.

if I change the for each statement to this;

$userlist = import-csv C:\scripts\HS-Student-with-pass.csv 
 foreach ($user in $userlist) {

those errors go away and the script runs… but again… nothing gets created in the database.

reviewing the csv I found the answer to why the Incorrect syntax near ‘ASIA’ " error is being tossed… the name in the cell is D’Asia… so how would one deal with excepting a single apostrophe charactor in the process?

haven’t found anything for the “Conversion failed when converting the varchar value ‘dylan’ to data type int.” error yet.

If you change the | foreach-object {} to foreach($User in $UserList){} you will have to replace all $_ with $User.

The most important difference between the keyword foreach used like this:

foreach($User in $UserList)
    #Do something

and the cmdlet Foreach-Object (which has an alias that is Foreach, not to be mixed up with the keyword above) used like this:

Import-CSV -Path $Path | Foreach-Object {
    #Do someting

is that the first one will load the whole $UserList in memory, then loop while the second one will loop through each object as they come through the pipeline.
This means that the first example usually allocates much more memory.
The second example typically uses a lot less memory.

Which one that is best is something you have to figure out for each use case.

For handling quotes within your data, I think they can be escaped in SQL by doubling them. Simply make sure that any single quote is replaced by two single quotes.
This is probably something you want to do in a separate function, but for now you could do something like this:

$($_.lastname -replace "'","''")

And at last, the error about expecting datatype int is probably SQl expecting a number but getting letters.

The conversion error is because in the declaration of variables doesn’t match what is defined in SQL. For instance, this:

Declare @STATUS nvarchar(50) = '$($_.status)'

If the status column is defined with datatype INT and your variable is varchar, you would get that kind of error. So, I’m lazy and I’m working on a SQL project right now and threw this together that automagically creates the variables. It basically will pull the table schema info and generates the SQL declarations with datatypes since I’m always adding\removing and adjusting data types as I develop the database:

$SQLServer = "SERVER\INSTANCE" #use Server\Instance for named SQL instances!
# Set DB Name
$SQLDBName = "Database"
# Set DB User ID
$SQLDBUserID = "sa"
# Set DB Password
$SQLDBUserPW = "P@ssword"

$tables = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SQLServer -Database $SQLDBName -Username $SQLDBUserID -Password $SQLDBUserPW -Query "SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables" | Select TABLE_NAME
foreach ($table in $tables) {
    "/*{0}*/" -f $Table.TABLE_NAME
    $records = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SQLServer -Database $SQLDBName -Username $SQLDBUserID -Password $SQLDBUserPW -Query "select * from information_schema.columns where table_name = '$($Table.TABLE_NAME)'" | Select Column_Name, Data_Type, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH
    $records | foreach{
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH)){
            $charLength = $_.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH
            if ($charLength -eq -1) { $charLength = "MAX"}
            "Declare @{0} {1}({2}) = '`$(POWERSHELL_VAR)'" -f $_.COLUMN_NAME, $_.DATA_TYPE, $charLength
        else {
            "Declare @{0} {1} = '`$(POWERSHELL_VAR)'" -f $_.COLUMN_NAME, $_.DATA_TYPE

Which gives me this:

Declare @ID int = '$(POWERSHELL_VAR)'
Declare @FILTER_ID int = '$(POWERSHELL_VAR)'
Declare @INSTALL_DATE datetime = '$(POWERSHELL_VAR)'
Declare @VERSION_ID nvarchar(20) = '$(POWERSHELL_VAR)'
Declare @DISPLAY_NAME nvarchar(50) = '$(POWERSHELL_VAR)'
Declare @REPORT_DATE datetime = '$(POWERSHELL_VAR)'

thank you for the assistance simon…and everyone else who chimed in at various points. again… much appreciated. I got the script to work… I think the issue with the exception errors was the csv file was being saved in Excel as “CSV MS-DOS”… I tried to save it as “CSV(Comma Delimited)” and ran the script with no other changes made. it not only ran… but the 2 users I had in the csv that weren’t in the database were added to the database.

I still have to wrestle/research with the apostrophe issue in the names field and decide how I want to deal with that going forward.
also…, I want to come up with some way to document feedback (perhaps to a text file) as to what users were newly created in the database ( with all fields being reported).

suggestions on what ways I may be able to do that would be appreciated so as to cut down on my research time.

rob… just saw your post and im looking it over now. thanks for your input… much appreciated.

rob… from researching, I found just what you mentioned as far as the conversion errors. I went over my sql table to make sure I wasn’t making a mistake with that and I didn’t find any. all the sql columns were created and matched up with the script correctly as far as int, nvarchar, etc… again… the only change I made was how the csv file was saved… and those conversion errors went away. I am going to spend some more time looking over your script so I may learn from it… thanks again.

In your database, is there an (Primary) identity key? Basically an autogenerated ID for each record?