Creating sub-tables from results

Please excuse the way I’m asking…

I want to query a Zabbix custom page that displays the jobs running on batch servers. That page is split into 3 groups bu ItemID: v1,v2,v3. Each of those groups may have multiple jobs running at the same time. When I query the custom page using item.get the results are returned grouped by ItemID and the information returned is: ItemID, Host, LastClock and LastValue.

The LastValue can be 1 or more processes that are running on the Host.

How can I display those items in a table, each row with Host and Last Clock and 1 of the values in LastValue ?

$Itemget = @{
jsonrpc = "2.0"
method = "item.get"
params = @{
output = "extend"
itemids = $itemlist
sortfield = "name"
auth = $session.result
id = $
} | ConvertTo-Json

$Results = Invoke-RestMethod "$site/api_jsonrpc.php" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $itemget -Method Post
$output = @()
ForEach($item in $Results.result | ?{$_.LastValue -ne ""}) {
$output += [PSCustomObject] @{
Itemid = $item.itemid ;
Host = Get-HostNamefromId($item.hostid) ;
Lastclock = Convert-FromUnixdate($item.lastclock) ;
Lastvalue = $item.lastvalue ;

It’s going to be much easier to assist you if you provide the JSON that is being parsed and explain what is not working\expected results.

Rob, Thanks for responding.

The json is Zabbix: How I use it is what’s in the post above…


When I run the process above, item.get, it returns:

Itemid Host Lastclock Lastvalue
------ ---- --------- ---------
258558 hostname 11/27/2018 9:47:19 AM Started: 11/27/2018 9:41:23 AM Process: Sbc.App...

When you look into the LastValue, there is a sub-table of values, see below, and it is this sub-table that I want to display in a table with corresponding Host, LastClock

Started: 11/27/2018 9:41:23 AM Process: Sbc.App.JobHost.exe - "E:\Octopus\prod\blah\2.195.4_3\lib\net45\Sbc.App.JobHost.exe" blag blah cbiOngoingEdfLoad 2196 37823 4e3fca9e-ced5-4e7d-9fad-7a6
Started: 11/27/2018 9:46:09 AM Process: Sbc.App.JobHost.exe - "E:\Octopus\prod\blah\2.195.4_3\lib\net45\Sbc.App.JobHost.exe" balg blah rptAllAEElections 517 27816 17e9f115-f305-
Started: 11/27/2018 9:46:49 AM Process: Sbc.App.JobHost.exe - "E:\Octopus\prod\blah\2.195.4_3\lib\net45\Sbc.App.JobHost.exe" blah blah rptAEChange 519 27818 17e9f115-f305-4f92-b


What I’m looking to do it soemthing like this:

Host   LastClock LastValue

hostname 11/27/2018 9:47:19 AM  Started: 11/27/2018 9:41:23 AM Process: Sbc.App.JobHost.exe - "E:\Octopus\prod\blah\2.195.4_3\lib\net45\Sbc.App.JobHost.exe" blah blah cbiOngoingEdfLoad 2196 37823 4e3fca9e-ced5-4e7d-9fad-7a6

hostname 11/27/2018 9:47:19 AM  Started: 11/27/2018 9:46:09 AM Process: Sbc.App.JobHost.exe - "E:\Octopus\prod\blah\2.195.4_3\lib\net45\Sbc.App.JobHost.exe" blah blah rptAllAEElections 517 27816 17e9f115-f305-

hostname 11/27/2018 9:47:19 AM  Started: 11/27/2018 9:45:52 AM Process: Sbc.App.JobHost.exe - "E:\Octopus\prod\blah\2.195.4_3\lib\net45\Sbc.App.JobHost.exe" balh balh rptAEChange 519 27818 17e9f115-f305-4f92-b



Give something like this a shot:

$output = foreach ( $item in $Results.result | ?{$_.LastValue}) {
    $Itemid = $item.itemid ;
    $Host = Get-HostNamefromId($item.hostid) ;
    $Lastclock = Convert-FromUnixdate($item.lastclock) ;
    foreach ( $value in @($item.lastvalue) ) {
        [PSCustomObject] @{
            Itemid    = $Itemid ;
            Host      = $Host ;
            Lastclock = $Lastclock ;
            Lastvalue = $value ;


Thanks Rob, I gave that a try but got an error:

Cannot overwrite variable Host because it is read-only or constant.
At line:4 char:5
+ $Host = Get-HostNamefromId($item.hostid) ;
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : WriteError: (Host:String) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : VariableNotWritable

Sorry, $Host is reserved. Just update the variable to $HostName or anything else.

PS C:\Users\Rob> $Host

Name             : Windows PowerShell ISE Host
Version          : 5.1.17134.407
InstanceId       : a1570b44-f5e2-43c1-9268-a734dcd7a1b2
UI               : System.Management.Automation.Internal.Host.InternalHostUserInterface
CurrentCulture   : en-US
CurrentUICulture : en-US
PrivateData      : Microsoft.PowerShell.Host.ISE.ISEOptions
DebuggerEnabled  : True
IsRunspacePushed : False
Runspace         : System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.LocalRunspace

it’s still just resulting in 1 line.

PS C:\Users\svn_admin> $output = foreach ( $item in $Results.result | ?{$_.LastValue}) {
$Itemid = $item.itemid ;
$HostName = Get-HostNamefromId($item.hostid) ;
$Lastclock = Convert-FromUnixdate($item.lastclock) ;

foreach ( $value in @($item.lastvalue) ) {
[PSCustomObject] @{
Itemid = $Itemid ;
Host = $HostName ;
Lastclock = $Lastclock ;
Lastvalue = $value ;


Itemid Host Lastclock Lastvalue
------ ---- --------- ---------
258558 hostserver 11/27/2018 12:09:18 PM Started: 11/27/2018 12:05:07 PM Process: Sbc.Ap...


When I check the contents of $value, there is multiple values in it.

PS C:\Users\svn_admin> $value
Started: 11/27/2018 12:05:07 PM Process: Sbc.App.JobHost.exe - "E:\Octopus\prod\blah\2.195.4_3\lib\net45\Sbc.App.JobHost.exe" whoever whoever importOngoingEdf 469 2477 3f156804-b56c-42ea-87be-47377
Started: 11/27/2018 12:09:09 PM Process: Sbc.App.JobHost.exe - "E:\Octopus\prod\blah\2.195.4_3\lib\net45\Sbc.App.JobHost.exe" whoknows whoknows rptAllPayrollDeductions 450 2647 4f3a


That’s why it’s easier to look at the JSON, because it would tell me if that is an array or just a string in “Values”. If you do:


What type is it returning? My guess is String. If it is, then you need to make it an array for the loop to work. Something like this:

@($item.lastvalue -split [environment]::NewLine())

Rob, I don’t know how to supply or show the JSON. I’m querying the Zabbix website using the api they provide.

I ran the ‘gettype’ and got:

IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType
-------- -------- ---- --------
True True String System.Object


Right, the LastValue is a string, not an array of lines. You’ll need to try to split the lines into an array. Typically, you’ll want to split on a new line if possible. Try something like this:

$lastValue = $Results.result[0].LastValue
$test = $lastvalue -split '\r?\n'
$test2 = $lastValue -split [environment]::NewLine

"Split 1 Count:  " -f $test.Count
"Split 2 Count:  " -f $test2.Count

You should see one of the split methods parsed properly and if there are 3 entries, you’ll see one of the split counts indicate 3. Then, assuming split 2 worked, you should be able to do $test2[0] and only return the first line. Then you can update this:

foreach ( $value in @($item.lastvalue) ) {


foreach ( $value in @($item.lastvalue -split [environment]::NewLine) ) {

Rob, I really appreciate your help, and patience, lol.

I think as a result of your help, I’ve got a solution that seems to be giving me what I was looking for…

$Results = @()

ForEach($item in $ItemGetResults.result) { #| ?{$_.itemid -eq 139302} ) {

$output = @()
$output += [PSCustomObject] @{
Itemid = $item.itemid ;
Host = Get-HostNamefromId($item.hostid) ;
Lastclock = Convert-FromUnixdate($item.lastclock) ;

$Lastvalues = @()
foreach($value in ($item.lastvalue -split '\r?\n')) {
$Lastvalues += [PSCustomObject] @{
ItemId = $output.Itemid ;
Host = $output.Host ;
LastClock = $output.LastClock ;
JobStarted = if($value){([regex]::Matches($value, '(\d\d/\d\d/\d\d\d\d.+): ')[0].Groups[1].Value).split('Process')[0]}else { "" }
Running = $value ;
$results += $Lastvalues

$Results | Format-List

That results in:


ItemId : 139302
Host : server99
LastClock : 11/28/2018 9:08:42 AM
JobStarted : 11/28/2018 4:00:11 AM
Running : Started: 11/28/2018 4:00:11 AM Process: Sbc.App.JobHost.exe - "E:\Octopus\Applications\env\Gateway\2.195.4_3\lib\net45\Sbc.App.JobHost.exe" balgA NETWORK
rptDataChecksJob 13367 69216 65a9903f-6243-4da3-9316-3d6da2e59e73

ItemId : 139302
Host : server99
LastClock : 11/28/2018 9:08:42 AM
JobStarted : 11/28/2018 9:07:02 AM
Running : Started: 11/28/2018 9:07:02 AM Process: Sbc.App.JobHost.exe - "E:\Octopus\Applications\env\blah.Sbc.Gateway\2.195.4_3\lib\net45\Sbc.App.JobHost.exe" blahB balhB ongoingEdfImportYMCATCMN 48364 536072 c821c075-cf8e-497d-83c8-2895a131aa16


ItemId : 258558
Host : server01
LastClock : 11/28/2018 9:07:18 AM
JobStarted : 11/28/2018 9:05:27 AM
Running : Started: 11/28/2018 9:05:27 AM Process: Sbc.App.JobHost.exe - "E:\Octopus\prod\blah.Gateway\2.195.4_3\lib\net45\Sbc.App.JobHost.exe" blah1 blah1 rptCarrierRemittance 3022 18977