Counter in for each loop not working


I want to count how many groups where deleted correctly and how many did not succeed,
However the output of the deleted correctly stops at 1 and the removed is always 0
what am I doing wrong?

#read file with users (email address)
$users = import-csv c:\temp\toRemove.csv
$ErrorLog = "c:\temp\groupdeletionErrors.txt"
foreach ($user in $users) {
#check if the user is disabled
$accountEnabled = Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId $user.samAccountName
if(!($accountEnabled.AccountEnabled)) {
#get the users objectID from Azure
$UserObjectID =get-AzureAdUser -objectId $user.SamAccountName |select objectID
#grab the clean objectID from the user
$SelectUserObjectID= $userObjectID.objectID
#find all the groups a user is member off
$UserObjectIDGroupMemberShip = get-AzureAdUserMembership -objectID $SelectUserObjectID
$a= $userObjectIDGroupMemberShip.count
foreach ($group in $UserObjectIDGroupMemberShip) {
$Groupsremoved = 0
$ErrorGroup = 0
#remove the user from each indivudual group
try {
Remove-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $group.objectID -MemberId $SelectUserObjectID
catch {
#the groups that cannot be removed are safed in the error log
"Error removing $group : $($_)" |Add-content $ErrorLog
finally {
#output on screen
"$($user.SamAccountName) is removed from - $($group.DisplayName)"
write-host "Total groups Found: $a "
Write-host "Total groups Removed: $Groupsremoved"
Write-host "Total groups not removed: $Errorgroup"
Else {
write-host "$($user.SamAccountName) cannot be removed at this time"



with …

$Groupsremoved = 0
$ErrorGroup = 0

… inside the loop you reset both variables in each iteration.

This should work:

$users = import-csv c:\temp\toRemove.csv
$ErrorLog = 'c:\temp\groupdeletionErrors.txt'
foreach ($user in $users) {
    #check if the user is disabled
    $accountEnabled = Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId $user.samAccountName
    if (!($accountEnabled.AccountEnabled)) {
        $UserObjectIDGroupMemberShip = get-AzureAdUserMembership -objectID $accountEnabled.objectID
        $Groupsremoved = 0
        $ErrorGroup = 0
        foreach ($group in $UserObjectIDGroupMemberShip) {
            #remove the user from each indivudual group
            try {
                Remove-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $group.objectID -MemberId $accountEnabled.objectID
            catch {
                #the groups that cannot be removed are safed in the error log
                "Error removing $group : $($_)" | Add-content $ErrorLog
            finally {
                #output on screen
                "$($user.SamAccountName) is removed from – $($group.DisplayName)"
        write-host "Total groups Found: $userObjectIDGroupMemberShip.count "
        Write-host "Total groups Removed: $Groupsremoved"
        Write-host "Total groups not removed: $Errorgroup"
    Else {
        write-host "$($user.SamAccountName) cannot be removed at this time"

Thanks Olaf you are the life saver :slight_smile:


Well … thanks … but I hope your life does not really depend on something that trivial like a counter in a Powershell script. :wink:

Powershell is life, no?