by jpphilip at 2013-01-16 18:47:46
Hi All,by nohandle at 2013-01-16 23:47:19
We are in the process of copying user profiles to a new Server but the new folder structure is different.
for example we want to copy data from the Path:
\profileS01\ctxMFMTSHome$%USERNAME%\My Documents to their home drive located on \homedriveS01\Profiles%USERNAME%\ My Documents
\profileS01\ctxMFMTSHome$%USERNAME%\Desktop to go to the new Profile Server \homedriveS01\UserData%USERNAME%\Desktop
\profileS01\ctxMFMTSHome$%USERNAME%\Favourites to go to the new Profile Server \homedriveS01\UserData%USERNAME%\Favourites
\profileS01\ctxMFMTSHome$%USERNAME%\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook to \homedriveS01\UserData%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\outlook
there are a few more folders that have to be copied.
I have to deliver this for about 1000 users. I am trying to get a script that will do this.
any assistance is welcome.
Thankyou in advance.
What have you tried so far? What errors you get?