copy install to local system

I need to add or64 install files to the local system
the script does the 23bit install but totally ignores the 64 install section

node $AllNodes.Where{$_.Or64 -eq "Present"}.NodeName
        File Or_Setup64
            DestinationPath = "C:\Install\Or64"
            SourcePath      = $ConfigurationData.Oracle.Setup64 
            Type            = "Directory"
            Recurse         = "True"
            Ensure          = "Present"
    node $AllNodes.Where{$_.Or32 -eq "Present"}.NodeName
        File Or_Setup32
            DestinationPath = "C:\Install\Or32"
            SourcePath      = $ConfigurationData.Oracle.Setup32 
            Type            = "Directory"
            Recurse         = "True"
            Ensure          = "Present"


I am not sure what this…

node $AllNodes.Where{$_.Or64 -eq “Present”}.NodeName

… is, but how are you checking the for the bit switch for version?

If you are doing this normally, you just need to do this…

$OSArch = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).OSArchitecture
If ($OSArch -eq ‘64-bit’){“Host OS architecture is: $OSArch”}
Else {“Host OS architecture is: $OSArch”}

Can you share your configdata?