Converting VB Script Questions

by Lery at 2013-04-05 06:26:29

I wanted to create a new thread so that I could take a different approach than I previously did in thread It got so confusing that I think I lost myself :slight_smile: So with that said, let me ask for what I’m trying to accomplish in a simpler way. I have a VB script that I want to convert to Powershell. I’ve used but clearly cannot get it working. So maybe you fine folks can? Here is the VB script:

’ On Error Resume Next

‘Create instance of Wbem service object and connect to namespace
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2")

‘Fire WMI Query
Set objCIMObj = objWMIService.ExecQuery("select * from Win32_BIOS")

strBIOSVersion = "Unknown"

‘Create instance of NSE component
dim nse
set nse = WScript.CreateObject ("Altiris.AeXNSEvent")

’ Set the header data of the NSE
’ Please don’t modify this GUID
nse.To = "{1592B913-72F3-4C36-91D2-D4EDA21D2F96}"
nse.Priority = 1

'Create Inventory data block. Here assumption is that the data class with below guid is already configured on server
dim objDCInstance
set objDCInstance = nse.AddDataClass ("{53f7ce34-2007-4169-80aa-0109e38686ea}")

dim objDataClass
set objDataClass = nse.AddDataBlock (objDCInstance)

For each objInfo in objCIMObj

strBiosCharacteristics = Join(objInfo.BiosCharacteristics, ",")
On Error Resume Next
strBIOSVersion = Join(objInfo.BIOSVersion, ",")

'Add a new row
dim objDataRow
set objDataRow = objDataClass.AddRow
'Set columns

objDataRow.SetField 0, strBiosCharacteristics
objDataRow.SetField 1, strBIOSVersion
objDataRow.SetField 2, objInfo.BuildNumber
objDataRow.SetField 3, objInfo.Caption
objDataRow.SetField 4, objInfo.CodeSet
objDataRow.SetField 5, objInfo.CurrentLanguage
objDataRow.SetField 6, objInfo.Description
objDataRow.SetField 7, objInfo.IdentificationCode
objDataRow.SetField 8, objInfo.InstallableLanguages
objDataRow.SetField 9, objInfo.InstallDate
objDataRow.SetField 10, objInfo.LanguageEdition
objDataRow.SetField 11, objInfo.Manufacturer
objDataRow.SetField 12, objInfo.Name
objDataRow.SetField 13, objInfo.OtherTargetOS
objDataRow.SetField 14, objInfo.PrimaryBIOS
objDataRow.SetField 15, objInfo.ReleaseDate
objDataRow.SetField 16, objInfo.SerialNumber
objDataRow.SetField 17, objInfo.SMBIOSBIOSVersion
objDataRow.SetField 18, objInfo.SMBIOSMajorVersion
objDataRow.SetField 19, objInfo.SMBIOSMinorVersion
objDataRow.SetField 20, objInfo.SMBIOSPresent
objDataRow.SetField 21, objInfo.SoftwareElementID
objDataRow.SetField 22, objInfo.SoftwareElementState
objDataRow.SetField 23, objInfo.Status
objDataRow.SetField 24, objInfo.TargetOperatingSystem
objDataRow.SetField 25, objInfo.Version


by coderaven at 2013-04-05 07:37:52
ok. Lets just break it down into pieces and just get the data first.

Function Get-BiosData
Foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName)
try {
Write-Verbose "Processing Computer $Computer"
$Bios = Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $Computer -Class Win32_BIOS
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ <br> &quot;0&quot;=&#40;[string]::Join&#40;$Bios.BiosCharacteristics, &quot;,&quot;&#41;&#41;;<br> &quot;1&quot;= &#40;[string]::Join&#40;$Bios.strBIOSVersion,&quot;,&quot;&#41;&#41;;<br> &quot;2&quot;=$Bios.BuildNumber;<br> &quot;3&quot;=$Bios.Caption;<br> .<br> .<br> .<br> &quot;25&quot;=$Bios.Version;}<br> }#end try<br> catch { Write-Error &quot;Unable to connect to $Computer&quot;}<br>}<br>}</code><br><br>When you run this and call the function, the data you are wanting will be available to you an can be stored in CSV, XML, etc. You can change the 0,1,2 to a name that you would like.<br><br>Once you get this then we will look into the data import to Altiris.</blockquote>by Lery at 2013-04-05 08:49:14<blockquote>[quote=&quot;coderaven&quot;]ok. Lets just break it down into pieces and just get the data first.<br><br><code>Function Get-BiosData<br>{<br>[CmdletBinding&#40;&#41;]<br>Param&#40;[String[]]$ComputerName&#41;<br>Foreach &#40;$Computer in $ComputerName&#41;<br>{<br> try {<br> Write-Verbose &quot;Processing Computer $Computer&quot;<br> $Bios = Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $Computer -Class Win32_BIOS<br> New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
"0"=([string]::Join($Bios.BiosCharacteristics, ","));
"1"= ([string]::Join($Bios.strBIOSVersion,","));
}#end try
catch { Write-Error "Unable to connect to $Computer"}

When you run this and call the function, the data you are wanting will be available to you an can be stored in CSV, XML, etc. You can change the 0,1,2 to a name that you would like.

Once you get this then we will look into the data import to Altiris.[/quote]

I had to comment out lines 15, 16, and 17. It ran fine. I called the function with Get-BiosData localhost Output is valid.
by coderaven at 2013-04-05 10:25:48
The … Was where you add the rest of your data. Your vbscript is pulling a lot of fields that you can just translate to the PowerShell psobject.
by Lery at 2013-04-05 12:33:44
coderaven, I’m not I’m understanding you. Your function works. Works great. The … I can modify to what I want returned. But, I’m asking to have the VBScript code I entered translated to PowerShell.
by coderaven at 2013-04-05 18:44:44
As for collecting the data, here is the completed script.
Function Get-BiosData
Param([String]$ComputerName = ".")
Foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName)
try {
Write-Verbose "Processing Computer $Computer"
$Bios = Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $Computer -Class Win32_BIOS
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ `
"0"=([string]::Join($Bios.BiosCharacteristics, ","));
"1"= ([string]::Join($Bios.strBIOSVersion,","));
}#end try
catch { Write-Error "Unable to connect to $Computer"}
}#end foreach

Now you just need to connect to the NSE object and load it.

$nse = new-object -comobject Altiris.AeXNSEvent
$nse.priority = 1
$nse.To = "{1592B913-72F3-4C36-91D2-D4EDA21D2F96}"
$objDCInstance = $nse.AddDataClass("{53f7ce34-2007-4169-80aa-0109e38686ea}")
$objDataClass = $nse.AddDataBlock($objDCInstance)

The is a snip of the com object workings.

All of that together should allow you to get your data loaded using PowerShell.