I wrote ConvertTo-EnhancedHTML as part of “Creating HTML Reports in PowerShell,” which is on our Resources > eBooks menu option here. You can’t run the command with zero parameters - I suggest either reviewing its help, or reviewing the book’s later chapters, for information on how to use it. It isn’t a “simple” command - if you just want basic HTML, use the native ConvertTo-HTML.
The error, generically, will happen whenever you run a command that has multiple parameter sets, and PowerShell can’t tell (based on the parameters you’ve used) which one you’re attempting to run.
$servername = ‘LQVWA00A0002.ent.wfb.bank.qa’ #Read-host “Server DNS Name ie. wfcp5777i.wf.local”
$cred = Get-Credential -Message “User Info for Domain Server is in” -UserName “QA-ENT\RU413628”
ConvertTo-EnhancedHTML -HTMLFragments $systemInfo_Frag -PreContent “Windows SIC Verification$servernameThis report was run on: $(get-date)” |out-file $fileHtml