Converting a csv file with a list of email addresses to sam accounts. If someone can assist me I have the csv fil if necessary
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you should probably edit your post and remove your email address.
I didn’t run your code, but from looking at it we just have to assume that your CSV contains at least a column with the header value of “emailaddress”.
You’re focusing on the DisplayName property when you said you were specifically trying to get the SamAccountName property.
What happens when you try $adu.samaccountname
Firstly, you must have a .csv file that includes staff emails ordered by column. The first line is named “Email.”
$emails= Import-Csv -LiteralPath <your_csv_file_path>
$emails | foreach {get-aduser -Filter "mail -like '$($_.Email)'" -Properties mail | Select-Object mail,samaccountname} | export-csv C:\temp\samAccountname.csv -NoTypeInformation
The out file will include email and samaccountname. You can add more AD user properties to the out file if you want.
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