convert string to hashtable

hi all,

given this string:

$string = ‘“MachineId”: “09f5eb07f057a4499cc1bfafeff95ef0”, “SessionID”: “e489ef09-d1af-4bb1-afd4-37baee89c70c”, “GeoID”: 39, “Ver”: “”, “C2RClientVer”: “0.0”, “ErrorCode”: 30041, “ErrorType”: “InvalidProductInConfigXml”, “AppVErrorSource”: “”, “ErrorMessage”: “InvalidProductInConfigXml (PerformMSITransitions::HandleStateAction MSI C2R SxS prereq is predicted to fail.)”, “ErrorDetails”: “”, “ContextData”: “OException has occurred.”’

how can i convert this to a hashtable?

thank you!

That appears to be JSON with the missing curly bracket {} wrapper, so you can append the brackets to the string. This is using a string format, which requires escaped brackets:

$string = '"MachineId": "09f5eb07f057a4499cc1bfafeff95ef0", "SessionID": "e489ef09-d1af-4bb1-afd4-37baee89c70c", "GeoID": 39, "Ver": "", "C2RClientVer": "0.0", "ErrorCode": 30041, "ErrorType": "InvalidProductInConfigXml", "AppVErrorSource": "", "ErrorMessage": "InvalidProductInConfigXml (PerformMSITransitions::HandleStateAction MSI C2R SxS prereq is predicted to fail.)", "ErrorDetails": "", "ContextData": "OException has occurred."'

$myObj = ('{{{0}}}' -f $string) | ConvertFrom-Json


This creates a PSObject:

PS C:\Users\rasim> $myobj

MachineId       : 09f5eb07f057a4499cc1bfafeff95ef0
SessionID       : e489ef09-d1af-4bb1-afd4-37baee89c70c
GeoID           : 39
Ver             :
C2RClientVer    : 0.0
ErrorCode       : 30041
ErrorType       : InvalidProductInConfigXml
AppVErrorSource :
ErrorMessage    : InvalidProductInConfigXml (PerformMSITransitions::HandleStateAction MSI C2R SxS prereq is predicted to fail.)
ErrorDetails    :
ContextData     : OException has occurred.

This will allow you to easily parse and get the information rather than manually converting it to a hashtable.


thank you very much!

Here’s how I would tackle it.

$string = ‘”MachineId”: “09f5eb07f057a4499cc1bfafeff95ef0”, “SessionID”: “e489ef09-d1af-4bb1-afd4-37baee89c70c”, “GeoID”: 39, “Ver”: “”, “C2RClientVer”: “0.0”, “ErrorCode”: 30041, “ErrorType”: “InvalidProductInConfigXml”, “AppVErrorSource”: “”, “ErrorMessage”: “InvalidProductInConfigXml (PerformMSITransitions::HandleStateAction MSI C2R SxS prereq is predicted to fail.)”, “ErrorDetails”: “”, “ContextData”: “OException has occurred.”‘
$string = $string -replace '"', '' -replace '”', '' -replace '“','' #remove quotations
$ht = @{} #create new hashtable
foreach ($row in $string -split ", ") {
    $pair = $row -split ": "
    $ht.($pair[0])= $pair[1]
} #foreach

$ht #return hashtable to screen


Definitely go with Rob’s solution. I didn’t recognize it was JSON. Fun exercise though :slight_smile:

[quote quote=271930]Definitely go with Rob’s solution. I didn’t recognize it was JSON. Fun exercise though 🙂

Thanks for that breakdown. I’ve been half-heartedly giving up on trying to convert text strings, CSV’s, returned objects to hashtables, but this looks like a good springboard for me! Cheers!


Here is another approach

$string = '"MachineId": "09f5eb07f057a4499cc1bfafeff95ef0", "SessionID": "e489ef09-d1af-4bb1-afd4-37baee89c70c", "GeoID": 39, "Ver": "", "C2RClientVer": "0.0", "ErrorCode": 30041, "ErrorType": "InvalidProductInConfigXml", "AppVErrorSource": "", "ErrorMessage": "InvalidProductInConfigXml (PerformMSITransitions::HandleStateAction MSI C2R SxS prereq is predicted to fail.)", "ErrorDetails": "", "ContextData": "OException has occurred."'

$string -replace ':','=' -split ',' | ConvertFrom-StringData

Name                           Value
----                           -----
"MachineId"                    "09f5eb07f057a4499cc1bfafeff95ef0"
"SessionID"                    "e489ef09-d1af-4bb1-afd4-37baee89c70c"
"GeoID"                        39
"Ver"                          ""
"C2RClientVer"                 "0.0"
"ErrorCode"                    30041
"ErrorType"                    "InvalidProductInConfigXml"
"AppVErrorSource"              ""
"ErrorMessage"                 "InvalidProductInConfigXml (PerformMSITransitions==HandleStateAction MSI C2R SxS prereq is predicted to fail.)"
"ErrorDetails"                 ""
"ContextData"                  "OException has occurred." 

And if you wanted to make it a PSCustomObject

$string -replace ':','=' -split ',' |
    Foreach-Object -Begin {
        $ht = [ordered]@{}
    } -Process {
        $ht += $_ | ConvertFrom-StringData
    } -End {

"MachineId"       : "09f5eb07f057a4499cc1bfafeff95ef0"
"SessionID"       : "e489ef09-d1af-4bb1-afd4-37baee89c70c"
"GeoID"           : 39
"Ver"             : ""
"C2RClientVer"    : "0.0"
"ErrorCode"       : 30041
"ErrorType"       : "InvalidProductInConfigXml"
"AppVErrorSource" : ""
"ErrorMessage"    : "InvalidProductInConfigXml (PerformMSITransitions==HandleStateAction MSI C2R SxS prereq is predicted to fail.)"
"ErrorDetails"    : ""
"ContextData"     : "OException has occurred."