Convert JSON ROWS In CSV as columns into another CSV file

My sample data looks i

I need the same data in another CSV file as below
id      RecordType  CreationTime    Operation
value   value            value           value
value   value            value           value

I tried Convert-FROM-JSON function by passing the CSV as below but its failing with error

$properties = @('Id', 'RecordType', 'CreationTime', 'Operation')
(Get-Content -Path-to_CSVfile -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json) |
    Select-Object -Property $properties |
    Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path $path-to-new-csv-file

ConvertFrom-Json : Invalid JSON primitive: "id"

Please help if anyone has suggestion regarding the same


Parse each row with the appropriate column. Note that the JSON example you posted, that the RecordType is invalid. Assuming that real data is numeric, the ConvertFrom-JSON would work, but if it is a string value, then it is malformed JSON which is causing the error you mentioned. Guessing that RecordType is not a string, you could do something like so:

$csv = @()
$csv += [pscustomobject]@{
    Column1 = 'Foo'
    Column2 = 'Faa'
    Column3 = '{"Id":"value","RecordType":1,"CreationTime":"value","Operation":"value"}'
$csv += [pscustomobject]@{
    Column1 = 'Foo'
    Column2 = 'Faa'
    Column3 = '{"Id":"value2","RecordType":2,"CreationTime":"value2","Operation":"value2"}'

$results = foreach ($row in $csv) {
    $row.Column3 | ConvertFrom-Json



PS C:\Users\rasim> $csv

Column1 Column2 Column3                                                                    
------- ------- -------                                                                    
Foo     Faa     {"Id":"value","RecordType":1,"CreationTime":"value","Operation":"value"}   
Foo     Faa     {"Id":"value2","RecordType":2,"CreationTime":"value2","Operation":"value2"}

PS C:\Users\rasim> $results

Id     RecordType CreationTime Operation
--     ---------- ------------ ---------
value           1 value        value    
value2          2 value2       value2