
Hi All,

I am in the process of creating an automated script which will connect me to O365 PowerShell. I am relatively new to PowerShell but I have created my profile with the help of Microsoft Virtual Academy.

The first part of the .ps1 file is Function Connect-EXOnline. When I run this command I return an error ‘the term ‘connect-msonline’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet’ however, this works in the video I’ve been watching.

I am running Windows 10 update 1511 which should contain the WM 5.0 package and the latest cmdlets but I can’t seem to get it working.

Has anyone else experienced this at all?

Many thanks,

This requires that the MSOnline module is installed on your computer. There is a wiki here describing the different versions of the module:

And here is an article describing the “preview” versions of the module:

I recommend v1.1.130.0 as this is what I use and it is very stable.


Connecting to Exchange Online:


Thanks Matt.

Your suggestions worked a treat and I can now use Connect-EXOnline.

Thanks for your help.