Conditional parameters in a DSC resource

I have been trying to figure out a nice way to conditionally specify parameters to a DSC resources based on Configuration parameters.

Configuration WebsiteConfiguration
    Node ('localhost')
        xWebAppPool NewWebAppPool
                Name                    = 'MyWebsite'
                Ensure                  = "Present"
                State                   = "Started"
                AutoStart               = $true
                ManagedPipelineMode     = 'Integrated'
                ManagedRuntimeVersion   = 'v4.0'
                StartMode               = 'OnDemand'
                LoadUserProfile         = $false
                Credential              = $PSCred

Here in the above configuration, I want to specify the $PSCred parameter to Credential property only if specified by Configuration caller else not.
I’using WMF 5.1
Any help ideas or pointers are appreciated.


You’d have to build in the condition.

if ($have_a_credential) {
        xWebAppPool NewWebAppPool
                Name                    = 'MyWebsite'
                Ensure                  = "Present"
                State                   = "Started"
                AutoStart               = $true
                ManagedPipelineMode     = 'Integrated'
                ManagedRuntimeVersion   = 'v4.0'
                StartMode               = 'OnDemand'
                LoadUserProfile         = $false
                Credential              = $PSCred
} else {
        xWebAppPool NewWebAppPool
                Name                    = 'MyWebsite'
                Ensure                  = "Present"
                State                   = "Started"
                AutoStart               = $true
                ManagedPipelineMode     = 'Integrated'
                ManagedRuntimeVersion   = 'v4.0'
                StartMode               = 'OnDemand'
                LoadUserProfile         = $false