Combining csv values into a string


I have a CSV of employee first and last names such as this:

First Name, Last Name
Person, 1
Person, 2
Person, 3

I know how to read the first and last names from the csv, but how would I combine those into one string so that it will be

Person 1, Person 2, Person 3?

I already tried

(First Name + Last Name)

(First Name + Last Name).ToString()

Thank you,


I have a variable

$Today = Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd
, so that it’s 2016-11-04

I have another variable

$Tomorrow = (Get-Date).AddDays(1)
, how would I put that in yyyy-MM-dd format also? Now it’s showing
Saturday, November 05, 2016 9:16:09 AM

When I try

(Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd).AddDays(1)
it says “Method invocation failed because [System.String] does not contain a method named ‘AddDays’.”

Thank you,


Get-Date (Get-Date).AddDays(1) -Format yyyy-MM-dd

For your first question: could you show your code please? It’s easier then to help you

This is my code:

$CSV_Location = '\\hqfs1\users\tantony\PowerShell\HRSecurityForms\Employees.csv'
$Import_CSV = Import-Csv $CSV_Location
$CSV_Length = $Import_CSV.Count
$Today = Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd
$Tomorrow = Get-Date (Get-Date).AddDays(1) -Format yyyy-MM-dd
$Date_Effective = ($Import_CSV."Date Effective").Trim(" 00:00:00")
$Type_Of_Form = $Import_CSV."Type of Form"
$Employee_Name = (($Import_CSV."First Name") + ($Import_CSV."Last Name")).ToString()

for($Employees = 0; $Employees -lt $CSV_Length;  $Employees++)
        if($Type_Of_Form.GetValue($Employees) -eq "Deletion/Termination")
            # this works

        if($Type_Of_Form.GetValue($Employees) -eq "Transfer")
            # this works

        if($Type_Of_Form.GetValue($Employees) -eq "Title Change")
            # this works

        if($Today -eq $Date_Effective[$Employees])
            # this works
            Write-Host "This is due today, " $Type_Of_Form[$Employees] -ForegroundColor Green

This is what I need help with now, thank you for helping with the $Tomorrow format

$Employee_Name = (($Import_CSV."First Name") + ($Import_CSV."Last Name")).ToString()

I don’t know were your Employe name belongs but I probably would try it like this

$CSV_Location = '\\hqfs1\users\tantony\PowerShell\HRSecurityForms\Employees.csv'
$Import_CSV = Import-Csv $CSV_Location

Foreach($Employee in $Import_CSV){

    switch ($Employee."Type of Form") {
        "Deletion/Termination" { "this works"}
        "Transfer" { "this works"}
        "Title Change" { "this works"}
        Default {}

    if((Get-Date).Date -eq (Get-Date $Employee."Date Effective").Date)
        # this works
        Write-Host "This is due today, " $Type_Of_Form[$Employees] -ForegroundColor Green
    $Employee_Name = $Employee."First Name" + " " + $Employee."Last Name"
$Employees = Import-Csv $CSV_Location |
              Select *,
                     @{Name="FullName";Expression={"{0} {1}" -f $_."First Name", $_."Last Name"}}

You can simplify the loop a bit as well:

foreach ($employee in $employees) {

Thank you,

I’ll try that

Thank you, it’s working now.