Changing MailContact Notes Attribute

I wrote a script the creates a Distribution List and multiple MailContacts from a text file. Also, once the accounts are created and modified as needed, the MailContacts are added to the Distribution List.

As part of our MailContacts creation process, we need to enter a comment in the Description (not Notes) field of the creation date and who requested it. I have tried several cmdlets (Set-ADUser, Set-ADObject, Set-Contact, Set-MailContact), but none of these have an option to change the ‘Notes’ attribute.

I am not asking anyone to write code for me, but has anyone come across this or have a suggestion that I may try?

Try to use Set-ADUser -Identity -Add @{notes=“”} or Set-ADUser -Identity -Replace @{notes=“”}

As for…

I am not asking anyone to write code for me, but has anyone come across this or have a suggestion that I may try?

You can just use the ADAC (Active Directory Administrative Center) of Windows Server 2012 to write the code for you. Open ADAC, click thru what you want to do then view the PowerShell History window to see the code of you your clicks did, then copy and alter as needed.