Change IP Address with Invoke-vmscript

Hi guys,
I need to bulk change IP addresses on new Nic that I add on a VM. But I dont want to screw up the existing first NIC’s IP settings.
So I find what NIC is using DHCP (the new one) and apply the new IP from a csv input file.
Because the script text in invoke-vmscript doesnt allow variables I had to use strings and replace.
It runs successfully but doesnt change the IP address on the VM. If I run the code locally on the VM it works.
If I output the $script I see that its divided in 2 lines instead of one, how do I fix it? Please help

PS C:> $script
"NEW-NetIPAddress -interfacealias “Ethernet
" -IPaddress “” -PrefixLength 23”


$baseScript = @'
"NEW-NetIPAddress -interfacealias "($NIC)" -IPaddress "($IP)" -PrefixLength 23"

foreach ($obj in $x) {
        $VM = Get-VM "$($obj.vmname)"
        $IP = "$($obj.backupIP)"
        $script1 = "(Get-netIpInterface -dhcp enabled | Select-Object interfacealias).interfacealias"
        $Local:_Output = Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText $script1 -VM $VM -GuestCredential $cred
        $script = $baseScript.Replace('($NIC)',$_Output.ScriptOutput).Replace('($IP)',$IP)
$params = @{
VM = $VM
ScriptText = $script
GuestCredential = $Cred
ScriptType = “PowerShell”
Confirm = $false
Invoke-VMScript @params

So I managed to fix the split:

PS C:> $script
“NEW-NetIPAddress -interfacealias “Ethernet” -IPaddress “” -PrefixLength 23”

with this new code:

$baseScript = @'
"NEW-NetIPAddress -interfacealias "($NIC)" -IPaddress "($IP)" -PrefixLength 23"

foreach ($obj in $x) {
        $VM = Get-VM "$($obj.vmname)"
        $IP = "$($obj.backupIP)"
        $script1 = "(Get-netIpInterface -dhcp enabled | Select-Object interfacealias).interfacealias"
        $Local:_Output = Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText $script1 -VM $VM -GuestCredential $cred
        $Intalias = echo "$Local:_Output".trim()
        $script = $baseScript.Replace('($NIC)',$Intalias).Replace('($IP)',$IP)
$params = @{
VM = $VM
ScriptText = $script
GuestCredential = $Cred
ScriptType = “PowerShell”
Confirm = $false
Invoke-VMScript @params

But now I get this error:


This is the error :
NEW-NetIPAddress -interfacealias “Ethernet” -IPaddress “”
-PrefixL …

Unexpected token 'Ethernet" -IPaddress "" -PrefixLength 23"' in 
expression or statement.
+ CategoryInfo          : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnexpectedToken

Hi guys
I fixed it myself. You can’t have “quotes” inside strings. So I passed the quotes down to: ScriptText = “$script”
Happy days

$baseScript = @'
New-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "($NIC)" -IPaddress "($IP)" -PrefixLength 23

foreach ($obj in $x) {
        $VM = Get-VM $obj.vmname
        $IP = $obj.backupIP
        $script1 = "(Get-netIpInterface -dhcp enabled | Select-Object interfacealias).interfacealias"
        $Local:_Output = Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText $script1 -VM $VM -GuestCredential $cred
        $Intalias = echo "$Local:_Output".trim()
        $script = $baseScript.Replace('($NIC)',$Intalias).Replace('($IP)',$IP)
$params = @{
VM = $VM
ScriptText = "$script"
GuestCredential = $Cred
ScriptType = “PowerShell”
Confirm = $false
Invoke-VMScript @params