Capture variable in foreach loop and add to csv export

I am trying to capture the changing variable ‘$server’ everytime the parameters go through a foreach loop. To summarize, the $sever value is always changing, and I want to capture it and add it into a collective csv file. I have it output the server name, but I in the CSV doc, I get unnecessary elements like (system.object), etc

Here is the code I used for the function code in github

Thank you!

Here is the code main part of the code that I have.

   $Servers = Get-Content 'H:\demo\computernames.txt'

foreach ($Server in $Servers)
    if (-not( Test-Connection $Server -Count 1 -Quiet )) { continue }

    if (-not( Convert-QueryToObjects $Server -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {

          $server | Out-File 'H:\demo\session\run1.csv' -Append 
         # this outputs everything but, does not do it in a nice format#

       Convert-QueryToObjects -Name $Server | select ComputerName, Username, Sessionstate, IdleTime, ID | Export-Csv 'H:\demo\session\run.csv' -NoTypeInformation

If you want to output data to a csv file you should use Export-CSV. When you use Out-File it’s just plain text.
What do you mean with “does not do it in a nice format”?

What do you actually try to accomplish with this code? … just get the online status?

Hi Olaf,

Thank you for your reply.

After continuously testing the script, I noticed a few more bugs.

First bug, the Else statement refuses to override the data found in original file

       Convert-QueryToObjects -Name $Server | Where-Object  {@('Active','Disconnected') -contains $_.SessionState} | select @{Name='Server Name';Expression={$_.ComputerName}},
        @{Name='Username'; Expression={$_.Username}}, @{Name='Session State'; Expression={$_.SessionState}}, @{Name='Idle Time'; Expression={$_.IdleTime}}, @{Name='ID'; Expression={$_.ID}} | Export-Csv 'H:\demo\session\run20.csv' -Append


Next bug, The 2nd if statement:

if (-not( Convert-QueryToObjects $Server -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
          $server | Out-File 'H:\demo\session\run1.csv' -Append 
         # this outputs everything but, does not do it in a nice format#                

Also has an issue with not overriding the previous file. In regards to format, I just want to add some sort of header to the list of server names.

server name

I’ve added the rest of the code, including the function here on git

What I am trying to accomplish:
First check to see which servers no users logged on and export the name of that server onto a separate CSV.
If there are users logged in, get the ComputerName, Username, Sessionstate, IdleTime, ID. And export all of that to a separate csv.

Thank you.