Can't find my problem :/


I create recently a script on PowerShell and I didn’t find my problem.
Someone could help me please ?

$pathToDatabaseDirectory = "C:\sDatabase"           # Create the directory for the file database if it doesn't exist
$testPathToDatabaseDirectory = Test-Path $pathToDatabaseDirectory
if ($testPathToDatabaseDirectory -ne $true){ 
    Set-Location "C:\"
    New-Item -Name "sDatabase" -ItemType directory

$pathToDatabaseFile = "C:\sDatabase\db.txt"          # Create the file database if it doesn't exist
$testPathToDatabaseFile = Test-Path $pathToDatabaseFile
if ($testPathToDatabaseFile -ne $true){ 
    Set-Location "C:\sDatabase"
    New-Item -Name "db.txt" -ItemType File

$arrayOfList = @()                                 # Output informations in the list about the database
$db = Get-Content ($pathToDatabaseFile) 
if ( $db -ne $null ) {
    Foreach ( $line in $db ) {  
        $lineSplitted = $line.split(";")
        $arrayOfList += $line

    if ( $listBox.Text -ne "" ) {
        if ( $listBox.SelectedIndex -ne $null ){
            $db = Get-Content ("C:\sDatabase\db.txt")
            $updateDb = @() 
            Foreach ( $line in $db ) {
                if ( $line -ne $arrayOfList[$listBox.SelectedIndex] ){
                    $updateDb += $line
                $updateDb | Set-Content "C:\sDatabase\db.txt"
            }                    # Need reload the script

{                                                   # Output informations about the item selected
    if ( $listBox.SelectedIndex -ne $null ){
        $lineSelected = $arrayOfList[$listBox.SelectedIndex]
        $arrayOfListSplitted = $lineSelected.split(";")
        $numberBox.Text = $arrayOfListSplitted[1]

{                                          # Input informations in database file (Problem : $arrayOfList doesn't keep new informations)
    if ( $listBox.Text -ne "" ) {
        $procced = $true
        $name = $listBox.Text
        $number = $numberBox.Text
        Foreach ( $value in $arrayOfList ) {
            $valueSplitted = $value.split(";")
            if ( $name -eq $valueSplitted[0] ) {  # Edit informations
                $db = Get-Content ("C:\sDatabase\db.txt")
                $updateDb = @() 
                $procced = $false
                Foreach ( $line in $db ) {
                   if ( $line -ne $arrayOfList[$listBox.SelectedIndex] ){
                       $updateDb += $line
                   } else {
                       $updateDb += "$name;$number"
                   $updateDb | Set-Content "C:\sDatabase\db.txt"
                }                               # Need to reload the script
        if ( $procced -ne $false ) {    # Add new informations      
            Set-Location "C:\sDatabase\"

            $listBox.Items.Add($name)      # Refresh arrayOfList
            $arrayOfList += "$name;$number" # Need to reload the script

So, this is a script that store informations in file database in (C:\sDatabase\db.txt).
db.txt contains :

first information;1
second information;30
third information;3451

When i call the method “addButton_onClick”. He takes the name on listBox and the number on numberBox.
After this, he put those informations in db.txt but… It looks like

first information;1
second information;30
third information;3451f o u r i n f o r m a t i o n;234

Before, it worked, but I don’t understand why there is spaces and he is not in the next line.

Please :slight_smile:

Have a nice day (Sorry for my english)

Someone could help me please ? :frowning:

Hey Shido,
I haven’t figured out just why, but it had to do with using set-content and then using the output redirectors “>>” to append the data. When it’s a new file the output redirectors work just fine, but once set-content is used, something happens and subsequent uses of >> to redirect the output to the file causes the spacing. What you can do is use Add-Content instead of >>.

        if ( $procced -ne $false ) {    # Add new informations      
            Set-Location "C:\sDatabase\"
            "$name;$number" | Add-Content "db.txt"

            $listBox.Items.Add($name)      # Refresh arrayOfList
            $arrayOfList += "$name;$number" # Need to reload the script

Here’s the mock-up I used to reproduce

[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing") 

$objForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form 
$objForm.Text = "Select a Computer"
$objForm.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(300,200) 
$objForm.StartPosition = "CenterScreen"

$objListBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ListBox 
$objListBox.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,40) 
$objListBox.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(260,20) 
$objListBox.Height = 80

[void] $objListBox.Items.Add("first information")
[void] $objListBox.Items.Add("second information")
[void] $objListBox.Items.Add("third information")


$objTextBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox 
$objTextBox.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,10) 
$objTextBox.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(260,20) 
$objTextBox.Height = 80

$test+=@("second information;123")
$test+=@("second information;345")
$test+=@("third information;435")
$OKButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$OKButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,120)
$OKButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23)
$OKButton.Text = "OK"
$OKButton.Add_Click({$name=$objListBox.text; $number=$objTextBox.text; "$name;$number">>text.txt})
#$OKButton.Add_Click({$name=$objListBox.text; $number=$objTextBox.text; "$name;$number" | Add-Content text.txt})
#$OKButton.Add_Click({$name=$objListBox.text; $number=$objTextBox.text; $test+="$name;$number"; $test | Set-Content text.txt})

[void] $objForm.ShowDialog()

Thank you very much, but you know how to add the new informations into the next line in my db.txt ? :slight_smile:

I provided that in the previous post. Use Add-Content instead. It worked correctly for me.

Thanks ! It works :smiley: Have a nice day