bulk accessrights setup

Dear people i have the follow script

# om welke gebruiker gaat het waar rechten om verleent moet worden?
$useridentity = Read-Host "usermailbox"

# welke gebruiker moet rechten krijgen
$username = read-host "full mailaccountname"

#welke rechten krijgt de gebruiker? 
$accessrights = Read-Host "given access"

set-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity $useridentity -User $username -AccessRights $accessrights

i know it is possible to have the variable to get the data from an excel file.
But i dont know how, can anybody support me with this one?

We cannot teach you how to use Powershell. You should take a little time and learn the basics of Powershell at least.
Some good starting points you can find here: Beginner Sites and Tutorials

Start with this.

$var = import-csv -path "c:\somepath\data.csv"

Help files within PowerShell are excellent. Getting familiar with them will be a big help.

Get-Help CSV
Shows you a list of commands that have "CSV" in them.
Get-Help Import-CSV -ShowWindow
Shows you the details of that one command.

Good luck!

@ Olaf Syok,

I know the basics of Powershell but the problem was it doesnt take the built of 3 different fields.

becouse from one collum it needs to take the username of the mailbox that i want to see who have access
one collum is the user that needs access to the mailbox
and the third collum is for the access rights

so any help with that?

I know the basics of Powershell but ....
hmmm ...are you really sure? ;-) ... usually my next question would be "What did you try so far? Show your code and the errors you get". ;-)

It’s slightly easier to get the data you need from a csv file than from an Excel sheet. You can use Import-CSV and loop over all the contained data sets. If you have 3 columns with the header Mailbox, account and access you could start with this:

Import-Csv -Path YourCSVFileIncludingPath.csv -Delimiter ‘,’ | ForEach-Object {
# here you place your code with whatever you want to do
# you can access the single properties with “subexpressions”
# to the Pipeline variable