Beginner Question. Running Script

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> C:\Users\Stuart\Desktop\SipTesterClient.ps1
C:\Users\Stuart\Desktop\SipTesterClient.ps1 : Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters.
At line:1 char:1
+ C:\Users\Stuart\Desktop\SipTesterClient.ps1
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [SipTesterClient.ps1], ParameterBindingException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : AmbiguousParameterSet,SipTesterClient.ps1

Hi all,

I am a complete beginner with powershell but I am attempting to set up Microsoft Teams direct routing. I am trying to run a script called SipTesterClient and I have followed guides on how to generally run a script which appears to be fairly simple but I am getting the above error.

After googling parameters I just got further confused. Apologies for taking up your time but any help would be appreciated.

Thank you


The script is expecting parameters that you did not provide.

Hello, I know this question is off-topic. But can someone tell me how to ask a question in or contact a moderator? Thanks much.

Thanks Sam. Got past this hurdle and now onto the next. We are looking to hire some outside help/consultancy? Is this an appropriate site to request this?