begin (and end) blocks dont 'set' variable from pipeline?

This surprised me. When a variable is set via pipeline, the begin block doesn’t ‘see’ it? If I set the variable via a parameter argument, the begin block sees it. I was looking for a way to determine if the variable was set, but not sure how i can do that if I allow pipeline input.

PS > . .\functest-pipeline.ps1

PS > test-pipeline -list "asdf" -ver
VERBOSE: [begin]: start
VERBOSE: [process]: start
VERBOSE: [process]: asdf
VERBOSE: process block foreach item:
VERBOSE: end block

PS > "asdf" | test-pipeline -ver
VERBOSE: [begin]: start

VERBOSE: no list
VERBOSE: [process]: start
VERBOSE: [process]: asdf
VERBOSE: process block foreach item:
VERBOSE: end block

function test-pipeline {
  param (
    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 0)]
    $list  )
  begin {
    write-verbose "[begin]: begin"
    write-verbose "$list"
    if (!($list)) {
      write-verbose "no list"
  process {
    write-verbose "[process]: begin"
    write-verbose "[process]: $list"
    foreach ($item in $list) {
      write-verbose "process block foreach item: $vm"
  end {
    write-verbose "end block"

I would share below link rather than explaining the same here.

From further research, including the link above, it seems that the pipeline variable is not available in either the begin or process blocks.

Additionally, you can use


to determine if there is input coming from the pipeline.

Updated test script:

function test-pipeline {
  param (
    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 0)]
    $list  )
  begin {
    write-verbose "[begin]: begin"
    write-verbose "$list"
    if (!($list)) {
      write-verbose "no list"

    $pipeline = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.ExpectingInput

    if (!($pipeline) -and (!($list))) {
      write-verbose "No pipeline, no param arg."
  } #end begin
  process {
    write-verbose "[process]: begin"
    write-verbose "[process]: $list"
    foreach ($item in $list) {
      write-verbose "process block foreach item: $vm"
  end {
    write-verbose "end block"
