[Azure] How to get website slots specific informations

I was recently facing an issue : while trying to aumotate, through PowerShell, the switch between the two slots of an Azure WebSite, I had to update the AppSettings from each slots.
Considering I had a website which name was “MyWebSite”, I created a slot named “Secondary”.

If I was trying a

$MyWebSite = Get-AzureWebSite -name MyWebSite



returned empty. Weird.

I tried the same command with a website without deployment slots (named MyNonStagedWebSite) :

$MyOtherWebSite = Get-AzureWebSite -name MyNonStagedWebSite



correctly returned all applicaiton settings from my website.

I finally discovered that when launched on a multi-staged website, the

Get-AzureWebSite -name MyNonStagedWebSite
returned a different return than if launched on a non-staged website, thanks to the Get-Member command :

$MyWebSite | Get-Member
returned a TypeName : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Websites.Services.WebEntities.[b]Site[/b]

while a

$MyOtherWebSite | Get-Member
returned a TypeName : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Websites.Services.WebEntities.[b]SiteWithConfig[/b]

That was because $MyWebSite was :

Name       : MyWebSite(Secondary)
State      : Running
Host Names : {MyWebSite-secondary.azurewebsites.net}

Name       : MyWebSite
State      : Running
Host Names : {MyWebSite.azurewebsites.net}

So, I figured on the Get-AzureWebSite help page that there was a “-slot” parameter. Magically, a

$MyWebSite1 = Get-AzureWebSite -name MyWebSite -Slot Secondary

successfully returned a TypeName : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Websites.Services.WebEntities.SiteWithConfig , and


successfully returned application settings from my secondary slot. My last difficulty was to find what was the name of the “main” slot. It’s only by luck that I found that it was “Production”. So, a

$MyWebSite2 = Get-AzureWebSite -name MyWebSite -Slot Production

successfully returned a TypeName : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Websites.Services.WebEntities.SiteWithConfig , and


successfully returned application settings from my main slot.

I wanted to post it somewhere, as I did a lot of digging around on the web, and never found clearly those informations; I hope they’ll get seen by search engine, to prevent future fellow to lose some days on this, as I did.
